WHY?I'm not trying to shoot skip I just want monster audio no one can talk over and blows the doors off
I don't want to sound like an a** hole.....
Most of the folks here will tell you this if asked, "don't blow your money on amps when what you NEED to look at is the best antenna set up you can put up. I think you would fair well to read, and reread k0bg.com , and do so meany times. After that you can work on your antenna, if you still think you need an amp a amp with 4 trains. is your first, and last stop. That is all you need, really.
If you don't want someone to walk on you then give the guy a brake, let them talk or go to another channel.
I do not understand why someone would not want to let someone else talk.
Are I think (JMHI) or "pro" must not be much of a pro if you need to ask here about your install. Why don't you ask your "pro"?
Ok I'm off my high horse....I got to put 100 watts out on .555 and with luck I'll hear someone come back,I am board to death...got to do more work on my Gen. Test prep too.
Oh....I almost forgot......I just got down....

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