well it seems like 959 isnt really sure how he feels or what his experiences have been with other CB shops.
apparently he is a fan of Doug over at customcbradios.com. or at least he used to be. here is a quote from 959:
"I got my connex 33ssb from doug and a 959 and a 29 all very nice radios doug is a stand up person not to worry"
so he thinks Doug does good work here, but then goes on to say that no shop has ever done more than clip things and max other things out.
another quote from 959:
"whatis a good tune ? I never had one that was more then crank up the power and mod all the way up from any shop"
keep in mind that these two posts were only two weeks apart.
so now 959 gets a 29 done by DTB radio that has obviously not been "maxed out", and he does not like it.
ok 959, time to face the music.
you came here and started a defamatory thread about a very well known tech with a long reputation; isnt it only fair to come back to the thread you started and explain yourself?
how many watts is the radio doing?
what did you use to measure the modulation?
which slug was removed?
would you know a proper alignment if you saw one?
