I own a Sirio 5000 however, I've never in my long association of cb radio I've never tried or owned a Wilson 1000 so, I purchased one. I immediately removed the cheap coax and replaced it with 15ft of LMR-240 and, drilled a couple small holes in
the bottom of the coil housing hoping water will drain better if it does become
a problem. It tuned wonderfully. Put the stinger in all the way to the bottom and
tightened it up and drove to the nearest "open space", free from power lines and trees etc..., and with my MFJ meter its showing a 1.0 on channel 1 and 1.1 on channel 40. Also a reading of 1.0 on channel 20, mid band. The antenna is a mag mount and is placed dead center of the cab of my extended cab pickup truck.
Already talked to the East coast and Texas from here in Missouri.
Pretty pleased with it so far.
Not to knock the Sirio by any means as it is also a wonderful antenna.