Never heard of the fellow until today. He only posted the pics in a reply in a thread and he only has 8 posts on sparky's forum.
I have asked for more information on the amp.
Looks like a nice clean build.
Mack, having seen some of your work I respect your opinion on quality and craftsmanship. This was posted by Black-Hole on sparky's forum. What do you think?
What in that picture makes you think it is a nice clean build? the fancy blue lights? for one, it looks like poop wire lengths all different as Mack said the transformers look like a blind man installed them, besides a host of other bad rf practices.
Might as well chunk the balancing resistors on the output combiner in the trash, they are going to smoke anyway. 1 sd 1446 driving 2x1446 driving 6 2879's, nothing clean about that. Some people should stick to making bird houses for a hobby.
Dang! A 27 Mhz microwave!