If I had to do it again (from what I've learned), it would be a barefoot radio and a 4-pill amplifier...good clean power, amp is just loafing along, and no special radio tuning needed.
Now that right there is what Im talking about!! Thank you for chiming in and getting my point out there. I am in noway attacking 11 meter users because I started there and still talk on a net on Tuesday nights on 27.375.0 and as Ive said I just want to help people make mistakes Ive made or that I see and have seen others make.
Its easier when a person is here in Wisconsin so I can physically show a person. Otherwise its all just words, talk and mumbo jumbo. Antennas are so importa I have severalnt I have several and can do the same with running same antenna it is the foundation of your setup. I explain to people when they talk about my signal that I can take a kraco CB or an old 23 channel and its going to getout just as good because its all about that antenna you are transmitting or getting your signal out with.
If anybody isnt understanding what Im saying here you pick the band 160 - `the 440 and Ill meet ya on thee air and flip between several antennas with out changing my output and the you will get it. Heck Ide even swap radios around between Yaesu, Kenwood, Alinco Icom and Ill even switch radios around on 10 11 and 12 meters As far as CB, glorified CB or 10 meter Radios Ill run them all at same low power of the same antennas.
Im gonna tell yyou what I tell alot of people and thats the fist 250 watts is the best bang for the buck spentand is absolutely going to be the biggest jump or improvement you are going to see or others notice. In my opinion a 4 output transistor amplifier is all you will ever need and actually utilize if you even ever really have to pull it off medium power to begin with

Anything above that is simply a waste of money.
Yeah I know theres a few of you just rolling your eyes talking to yourself and computer screen right now saying "This guy is a moron and he has no clue because billy bob and joe radio are my best buddies and they tell me all the time when I ask how I sound YOU SOUND FANTABULOUS AND SIMPLY LOUD AMAZING AND AWSOME!!" Wel Im sure they do and if its big amplifiers that makes your heart skip a beat maybe Illl sell you one of mine that just sits in the closet shlf in the colection
Ive been down this road and its in the past becase I just learned and go smarter as I went along. A little reserch can take you along way and shock you I mean heck I shock myself several times a year with researching. Ive done testing on my own just to make sure the article wasnt a fluke but we all feel better whan just making sure or confirming what we are reading and or trying to understand. Like I said I do it all the time.
Anyways Im gonna ruffle feathers again here quick but guess what....as fae as all the amplifiers out there now THe Texas Star DX500 is my favorite and has nt vote. I own a few of them but I prefer the (NON) varible models. I ve brandnew Texas Star DX1600 (sweet sixteen) and outta here I said because that 4 X 2879 transiter amplifier gets me to everywhere and pretty much anywhere I want to talk or make a contact and without extra $$$$ spent on a bigger or mor transtor complient amplifier and I do it on Medium power.
Ohh yeah and I didndt have to spend more money for a bigger and revamped charging system to run the extra transistors that actually after a certain point made no difference that I thought I just had to have to get out and be heard to make that contact it wouldve took 100 Watts to accomplish. Or how about having to by those DC power supplies you need touble up to get the amperage you need to work that big amplifier!!
Been there done that to buit all done with it and wasting time or money. Texas Star DX500 is the way to go and you will never need another amplifer running it mobile or base buit good AND BIASED THE WAY AN AMP SHOULD BE. tAKE THIS IN, tHE AMERITRON ALS-500 mobile amplifier covers 160 - 10 meters.....Pssssssssst...... Best and most interesting part is they run 4 X 2SC2879 Tansistors just like the Texas Star 500 does.