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THIS is what brings oot the CB'er in me!


Active Member
Apr 6, 2005
A fellow works and gets himself a full priveledge Amateur Radio license, puts up a 20 meter antenna, has a HF radio and a amplifier capable of busting through the pile up on "14.275" to talk to somebody and all he gets from you guys are dispersions cast on him, his operating characteristics, his equipment, who he talks to and, how he talks.

You guys are just a bunch of "Player Haters".

First off, if you Canucks up there could / would take care of your own problems, Karol would not be an issue for the rest of us.

There is just one Karol Madera but there are thousands of idiots QRM-ing the band and forwarding others to "Hate-Karol" websites; it's you who spead his message around more than Karol himself.

QRN said:
OMG! You worked VE7KFM aka Karol Madera. He is a whack job and CAUSES all kinds of QRM with his "broadcasts" that are anti-american and pro al-qaeda. Tune into 14.275 sometime and have a listen.He calls himself Radio Canada. :roll: Hams on both sides of the border have been lobbying Industry Canada to get this guy off the air. Anytime he finds someone on the net bad mouthing him he emails them and threatens legal action etc. He claims to be an attorney but the truth is that he was never admitted into the British Columbia bar association for character reasons. I have know a few really sleazy lawyers so what does that tell you. :LOL:

This is not his site despite the web address but have a look


Just how much on that site is 100% fact is unknown but a LOT of it is especially the on air antics and his threats against people.I can swear to the last part. :roll: He emailed me with his crap and a loooooog work of text entitled "The life of Riley" in referance to Riley Hollingsworth. :roll:

Secondly, WHO died and left you in charge of what the other fellow runs to make his hook-up; as long as he does not interfer with YOU, it does not matter that his amp may have been made by Quasimoto on the Left Bank and named "Sue"; find out where your nose ends and the other fellows begins.

Third, How can YOU prejudge or suppose the fact that, he was a "Free-bander" and tell him to go back there; I never saw mention of any Free-band activity until you bought it up.

SR385 said:
Hahah, using a CB amp on 20m and working VE7KFM....

You are on the right track for sure. Now go apply for a vanity call...try K1MAN, it's open these days I think.

In case you didn't seek that VE whacko out intentionally...14.275 and the nonsense that goes on there and the things VE7KFM does are NOT looked upon in a good light by amateur operators. It might sound like business as usual coming from 11m, but it is not accepted amateur operating practice.

Please do spend time listening to how the rest of the world operates and don't add to that steaming pile on the 20m band.

When the hams speak poorly of CB, it's the behavior/language VE7KFM and others like him exhibit that they are talking about...which is pretty much just like CB.

If that sort of insanity is what you are looking for in radio, please, just keep to the free bands with that.

In conclusion, *I* think you should grind your "Hate Karol" axes on the Zed, not here nor, should you make fun of an operator who worked any other legal Amateur using legal methods. You are doing this to further your own agendas or assuage your guilt for not having fixed the problem by now. *I* also think your Canadian system for dealing with radio issues needs to be fixed.


Paws264 go and read my post in the other thread,you know the one. Second,when Karol has been doing his thing longer then Jack Gerritsen,KG6IRO, or Glenn Baxter,K1MAN,then we can talk about who'se system for dealing with radio issues needs to be fixed.

Secondly, WHO died and left you in charge of what the other fellow runs to make his hook-up; as long as he does not interfer with YOU,....

I'm not sure.Perhaps it was the same person who appointed you as chief counsel for the defendant. :LOL: OK, OK that was a bit over the top I suppose but there is an air of truth to that.There are rules and regulations as well as standards to follow and the ham bands are supposed to be self policing so take it from there.I'm not looking for an argument on this so now that I have stated the facts as they pertain to my posts on this matter I shall comment no more. Make of it what you will.
QRN said:
I'm not sure.Perhaps it was the same person who appointed you as chief counsel for the defendant. :LOL: OK, OK that was a bit over the top I suppose but there is an air of truth to that.

Good one! :LOL:

PS: "OOT" is the Canadian pronunciation of "Out", the misspelling of the word was intentional. 8)
paws264 said:
PS: "OOT" is the Canadian pronunciation of "Out", the misspelling of the word was intentional. 8)

Man, you let a couple Newfoundlanders and a couple Torontonians get on national TV for all the world to see and we all get stuck with the wrong stereotype. :roll: :LOL:
LMA :LOL: !!! This is really no different than a 11 meters power fight kinda like one of those Key Downs but its this stuff that makes the world go round I guess
paws264 said:
You guys are just a bunch of "Player Haters".

No and I'm no hypocrite either.

I played for years on 11m and ran plenty of power while doing so. Put a lot of money into rigs to be sure my signal was clean too.

I got sick of people intentionally interfering with each other, the ridiculous language, the death threats ...all that goes with CB.

So I got my ham license. So that I could get away from that nonsense.

What wasn't clear was

1) A new ham who knew that he was using a dirty amp on the wrong bands

2) Had just contacted one of the most vile personalities of the bands

3) Wasn't clear if he understood that this was the 'dark side' and not what anyone wants to see go on on the bands.

I made my point bluntly and with sarcasm for sure, but I can't sit by and let this type of operating be promoted.

If anyone wants to use junk equipment and act like a child, the entire 11m band is theirs for the taking. You'll never see me complain about 'illegal' radios or amps for use there...I'd be a hypocrite. Just don't ever bring that crap to the ham bands. The whole reason to work for the license, to have any requirements at all is to filter out some of the trash.

Turns out the guy understood this was the wrong way all around, and that is cool with me.
QRN said:
paws264 said:
PS: "OOT" is the Canadian pronunciation of "Out", the misspelling of the word was intentional. 8)

Man, you let a couple Newfoundlanders and a couple Torontonians get on national TV for all the world to see and we all get stuck with the wrong stereotype. :roll: :LOL:


If if makes you feel better you are not alone in the "OOT" thing, so bear with me a moment for a bit of fun.

When I was in 10th grade, my parents moved me from Western North Carolina to the extreme northeastern corner of the state.
Used to the country, southern drawl, I was now confronted with TWO ways to pronounce the same words! :D Here are a few examples. Hopefully, you can chuckle along with me. Also, for those reading along, please know this is in gentle fun, OK?

1. "OOT" or "AY-UT"= O U T

2. "Hoose" or "Hay-use"= H O U S E (Also could be "Hise")

3. "Aboot" or "A-bite"= A B OU T

4. "Soond" or "Sahy-und"= S O U N D as in noise OR the Albemarle Sound, a nearby body of water near the ocean. I(might also be said as "Signed")

5. "A-Roond" or "A-Rayn-d"= A R O U N D

6. "Moose" or "May-oose" = M O U S E

This way of speaking has often dubbed in NC as "The 'Hoi- Toid-ers" as the origins of it seems be rooted in OLDE Elizabethan English (remember the Lost Colony?) You will also find this same pronunciation in parts of southern Virginia. As time has gone by, the culture has been blended and also the accent as people have discovered that part of the country. Me, I was a confirmed country Hillbilly, so after high school, I beat a hasty retreat back near the mountains of my mother's heritage.

But back then, can you imagine this kid trying to deal with TWO pronounciations delivered in a clipped, stacatto manner having lived most of his life in Arkansas, SC and western NC where the southern drawl was king? :D I was "traumatized"!! LMAO!


I know exactly what you're talking about. I have a friend that was a shrimp fisherman that lives in Sea Level, NC, Near Cherry Point. It was awhile before I could understand him as he had that english/southern accent.

I also had some confusing times. We lived in NY,TX,Co,and ID while growing up. My dad is a Texan and my mother a NYorker so it was a little different in the home. Then I moved to PA where they all seem to have a little of the PA Dutch dialect. The funniest things to get used to here is when many make statements but are spoken as to sound like a question. Or unfinished sentences such as if you are asking if someone is going with you somewhere it is stated as "Are you going with ? " A little different.
Ok now I was just gonna sandbag but I have a question that I need an answer for. WHAT IS GOOD EQUIPMENT??? Whos likes and dislikes towards equipment are we going with??? Not everyone cant afford the exspensive equipment. Yah I know some say ICOM some say YAESU and some KENWOOD. Im sure my 2 FT-840's MY FT-990 and my KENWOOD TS-50 are all garbage to some considering there no longer in production. But if someones running what they can afford and doesnt tell anyone what it is they run I guess they would be better off. As long as its not bothering anyone else.
What is good equipment? Well that would be whatever suits your needs and performs well on the air and meets regulations regarding signal purity. An old Heath DX-100 could be considered good gear if one wanted to run nice audio on 80m AM.Any of the radios that are commercially manufactured for the ham bands meet emmissions standards if kept up and the golden screwdriver is left alone and could be considered "good equipment" but ultimately it is up to the operator to add in his/her own desires and expectations into the mix and as long as wants/needs and standards are met then anything could be called good gear. I have an old Heath DX-60B tube transmitter that is great for AM on 80m. Not that great for much of anything else as it is only capable of AM or CW. I also have a Kenwood TS-820S and it is a GREAT radio with wonderfull sound on both TX and RX but it does not cover 12,17, or 30m.It has tube finals and for me that is great but others would not consider it that great. I also have a Yaesu FT-857 and it is also great in the mobile,not that great on the base for AM ragchews on 80m. As you can see I have three radios that I consider to be good/great radios but each has it's own area of greatness. The DX-60 for those 80m AM ragchews and nets,the TS-820S for hard core DXing or SSB ragchewing on the base and the FT-857 for it's small size and features for DX'ing on HF in the mobile or for working the local repeater on 2m.There really is a huge number of things that can make a radio good or bad.If you are talking simply about emmissions,then the answer would be whatever meets the basic minimum legal requirements and preferably exceeds them.
Sonwatcher said:
I know exactly what you're talking about. I have a friend that was a shrimp fisherman that lives in Sea Level, NC, Near Cherry Point. It was awhile before I could understand him as he had that english/southern accent.

I also had some confusing times. We lived in NY,TX,Co,and ID while growing up. My dad is a Texan and my mother a NYorker so it was a little different in the home. Then I moved to PA where they all seem to have a little of the PA Dutch dialect. The funniest things to get used to here is when many make statements but are spoken as to sound like a question. Or unfinished sentences such as if you are asking if someone is going with you somewhere it is stated as "Are you going with ? " A little different.

:D :D

TonyV225 said:
What was the Kenwood that was tube and was only SSB??? I cant remember what it was or which model :?:

All tubes? I can't remember that far back. Where's Beetle? :LOL: Do you mean solid state but with tube finals? That would be anyone of several rigs in the 500 and 800 series as well as a few others.
A Kenwood rig, all tubes, and ONLY SSB (no AM, no CW)?

I give up. :?: :?:

The TS-515 MIGHT have been all tubes, and the TS-520/530 and 820/830 series were advertised as SSB/CW rigs. Pictures of these on RigPix.com show no AM capability; just CW, SSB and a few had FSK.

Anybody have information on the TS-515? Besides the two reviews on eHam?

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