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The old FCC issued cb call signs

Back then it was probably all paper record, and is now rotting in a warehouse.
My fathers' call was KCK 187 but, hows about when CB exploded and they were doing the self-licensing thing; I think it was the letter "K" plus your initials and 5 digit zip code and you had to identify at the beginning and end of each transmission.

Old CB call signs

My first CB call was KQX 2567.
Then the last time I renewed it, Old Uncle Charlie changed it to KAAK 2806.
Before the renewal came up again they dropped it all together.

I to have looked at length on the web for an archive of the old CB call's and have not found them. I have to agree with another post, those records were probably on paper and if they were saved at all are in a file box in a warehouse somewhere.
It would be cool to find it though.

73 all, John, Nite-Eagle aka The Stargazer
KQX 2567 - KAAK 2806 - KB9RYI - CDX 409 - Wisconsin Unit 409
Robyn SB-540D
Uniden Washington
Cool Blue Magnum 257
RCI 2985DX
Johnson Viking 352
Tram Diamond 60
Boman CB-770
I e-mail the FCC a couple of months ago on this very subject. Believe it or not...I actually recieved a reply after about 2 weeks. It stated that ALL of those records were destroyed in the early 1990's. Would have been cool to get a copy of my paper.
I believe that there are different levels of "destruction"

It's amazing how things that were supposedly "destroyed" suddenly reappear at the most inconvient time.

Like Bush's military record :p

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