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  • Hey WavRider. I spoke with you on channel neg - 4. Can’t recall the freq exactly. BACKSLIDER 893 Fort Stewart, GA if you recall. Unless there is another WaVRider IDK. Just recalled your handle on here.
    Eimac 3-1000 tube in great shape $ 150.00 if you prefer a call pse leave your number, tnx
    Listing #1255178 - Submitted on 03/22/16 by Callsign VE3MZZ - IP: dhcp-108-170-147-39.cable.user.start.ca
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    Wavrider. First let me thank you for all your help. I wss involved in a car accident which left me let's say fucked up physically. My cousinjjust helped me put the station back together. That was the first step. Hopefully I'll have the antenna up no latter than the weekend.I like to keep my disabilitie on th dl. I'll post a picture og yhe new station setup shortly. Once again thanks for all your help. Stella
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