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10 meter radio listening to interesting frequencies?

29.000 is the AM calling frequency. I haven't caught any 10m AM action in over a year though.

Last I heard he was kicked off the 1010 club. He was just calling using his call only after that. Been sometime since I heard him or his YL.

I heard him 2 or 3 weeks ago....it wasn't actually him, just that recorded cq cq loop he plays.

He seems like the kind of guy that circles the Wal-Mart parking lot for 30 minutes to get a good parking spot.
Last I heard he was kicked off the 1010 club. He was just calling using his call only after that. Been sometime since I heard him or his YL.
A local ham recorded Todd failing to ID every 10 minutes. When sent to 10 10 this gave them the legal means to pull his membership. He still gives his number sometimes, although no longer valid.
Was just wondering which frequency do I need to dial into to be able to listen to HAM radio broadcasts?I wont be keying up, just wanted to listen to. I did view a video on youtube, some fella was talking about europe dx coming in on the 10 meter range during the days. Can anyone explain?

I'm assuming if conditions are coming in from across the Atlantic on 10 meters there's a good likelihood it'll be coming in on 11. I had a short qso with a station in France about 2 weeks ago on 27.555 USB. I just happened to be listening for approximately 45 minutes when I heard him call. In all honesty the qso was more like a quick contact. Just a quick hello and howdy do then he was gone. Skip on 10 and 11 m has basically been non-existent. Hopefully within the next 3 years the cycle will return as well as it was before it went bye bye. The state side skip has been very good in the NJ tried state area on AM and SSB all through the month of July. 73 and happy dxing
What is the 1010 club?
In 1958 hams lost the use of 11 meter. We lost it for lack of use. 10-10 was formed to promote the use of 10 meter, to prevent it from being taken away as well. Each member has an assigned number, to join you must collect 10 of these member numbers. The club has nets, contests, and awards to get more activity on 10 meter.
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In 1958 hams lost the use of 11 meter. We lost it for lack of use. 10-10 was formed to promote the use of 10 meter, to prevent it from being taken away as well. Each member has an assigned number, to join you must collect 10 of these member numbers. The club has nets, contests, and awards to get more activity on 10 meter.

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