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Alan 9001 mods?


Active Member
Apr 5, 2005
What type of microphone is he using? I am no fan of power mics, but an Astatic 575m6 might do a long ways in improving his modulation. I actually prefer the no amplified Heil with the HC5 cartridge, excellent tone qualities and plenty loud.

Hope this helps




A friend of mine has an Alan 9001. I know this is just about a clone of an HR2510. He's having difficulty getting the thing to 'swing'. If set to 2 watt deadkey, it only swings to about 5. The amount of swing is pretty consistent this way, all the way up near max power (70watts, which I know is NOT a good dead key..lol). Ultimately, he'd like to have his variable power control just his dead key, and always swing max PEP.

We've been out to Rogerbirds website, and he verified that all of the audio related mods have been performed on his box. He's clipped D129, and has a 1K resistor off of the emitter leg on Q114.

Are there any additional mods for this radio which may increase modulation? The radio sounds good, but he'd like a little more volume.




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