I don't think it makes much difference, CB'er/ham. There's going to be about the same number of 'objectionable' people in any group you run across. It's based on people being different in some way, just like color, politics, religion, hair style, tall/short, whatever. It happens, get used to it, then forget it. I own a Ford and a Chevy. I catch it from whichever group of people who like the one I'm not driving. It's so devastating that I immediately go directly home and change vehicles! Right?? Same thing with the CB'er/ham thingy.
CB radio has sort of been the real 'Novice' class for a very long time. (Don't say that too loud where people from either 'side' can hear it, Oooo you'll catch it!) It's been my experience that very few hams have never seen/listened to a CB radio (yeah, me too). What's the big deal? Every group has it's own terminology, much of which isn't really understandable unless you have some experience with whatever that group is talking about. I have no idea what "pearling two, drop one" means, but I can guess what that 'type' of person is talking about. No, it isn't someone talking about there new navel/nose/ear/eyebrow stud. At least I don't think so. So what do you do when you happen across a group of people where you just don't 'fit'? Stay or leave? Or just listen cuz your imagination can make all kinds of things out of what they are saying? I've done all three. Each can be entertaining, just depends on my 'mood', sort of. I even enjoy arguing to a certain point. When it goes past that 'point', I quit, I don't enjoy it anymore, so why stay? It's up to you. All kinds of ways to 'handle' that sort of thing, some more 'productive' than others. That's up to you too. Knock yourself out...
- 'Doc