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Found Tower & Antenna for sale

Oh and by the way Dave at DTB Radio did a superb of Fixing the Mis-Alignment on my Lincoln II+ because it was yacking out DX with the clarifier on dead center most of the day. Now all I have to do is figure out how to Fix the Receive. LOL
If you are talking about the raspy sound of the AGC not doing it's job, we found something to fix it.

Ps. My younger brothers are twins too.
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I would keep looking. I have found Rohn 20 or 25 for free. Sometimes they just want them gone...
Wish I would run into those kind of people. I always find the people that won't let go of them, but never use them. There's one I asked about 3yrs ago they couldn't let it go not even for money. I still drive past it every so often its still just standing there with nothing on it. What a waste.
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I feel your pain, brother. I fix junk all day at work, and then come home and fix more junk. Then my neighbors see me outside, and want me to fix their junk too. Being able to fix things is a double edged sword. If I didn't know how to fix stuff, I wouldn't keep stuff to fix. I would throw it away like everyone else, and have all kinds of free time on my hands.

But I can't imagine what life would really be like, I have been fixing stuff since I was old enough to break stuff.... :cool:
Lol, you sound like my life long friend Keith. He was the kid that broke everything, now people pay him to fix their junk, including me! He does give me the lifelong friend discount but I make sure he gets some money out of the deal. We've known each other since first grade he one of my oldest friends and I'd trust him with my life. Lol he works on my vehicle's so I guess I really do trust him with my life :unsure:
I don't know if FCC rules have changed on height but I thought it was 40' max, but it might have changed.
I had no idea there was a height limit on towers down there in the U.S. !! I wonder if that is still an actual rule or if it has been done away with ?

Up here in Canada there is no limit on height, and radio towers are considered a federal matter, which means that if you are a licensed radio user, tower construction and use CANNOT be regulated by a municipal or provincial authority (or a HOA). This applies to hams, land mobile, CB, broadcast, all of it...
As a federally regulated service, CB is treated the same as any licensed radio service here (there is a blanket license that covers all users).
You are supposed to get an aeronautical clearance form for towers over 100 feet, but it's just a simple form you fill out and submit. It's not an issue unless you are very close to an airport.

As you could imagine, this arrangement results in many conflicts between radio users and various authorities & NIMBY groups who find themselves helpless to prevent towers going up!
Often they find ways to have the towers removed regardless of federal law.
As well, many cities here make & enforce bylaws against towers, even though they know they don't have authority to do so !
Cell companies are sometimes forced to disguise their towers as trees........

It's a big legal mess, with most court cases being found in favor of the tower owners but with enough dissenting decisions to make for no clear precedent.
I had no idea there was a height limit on towers down there in the U.S. !! I wonder if that is still an actual rule or if it has been done away with ?
That I couldn't say. I was out of radio most of my married years, raising my kids and taking care of family wants and needs. Money was just to thin to spread around. Maybe one of these other US operators can answer that. I can't remember if the 40' was to the top of the antenna but it might be interesting to research. Another Mission ! LOL
I just did a quick google on the matter and it said 60' to the top of the antenna unless your near a Airport and if you are there might be further restrictions.
Bingo!! That's it. 60' to the tip of your antenna unless there are other restrictions, like airport, etc. So a 40' tower is the tallest you would want to look into.
I'm guessing if you had a Beam antenna on top of the tower you might be able to squeeze a couple more feet out of the tower depending on the height of the beam. But then again I don't know much about beams because I was always a Poor Boy. LOL
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Bingo!! That's it. 60' to the tip of your antenna unless there are other restrictions
Wow. Only 60 feet. There must be thousands and thousands of towers in use that are taller than that. I'm guessing there isn't much enforcement ?

Surprising that Canada has fewer restrictions around towers than the U.S. !!
I've known a number of 11 meter operators up here that have had 100 to 150 footers and I've seen 200 foot ham towers with beams more than once.
Maybe it's because of our thinner population density and huge distances........
I'm guessing if you had a Beam antenna on top of the tower you might be able to squeeze a couple more feet out of the tower depending on the height of the beam. But then again I don't know much about beams because I was always a Poor Boy. LOL
Much higher if the beam is horizontal compared to a vertical.

Remember on a vertical, its the feedpoint height is what counts not the tip of the antenna height.

So the feedpoint and overall height of a horizontal antenna can be up at 60ft as opposed to a 18ft vertical which would only be 42ft.
Sixty feet to the tip or not more than twenty feet above a building or tree that it is mounted to. Probably need a permit in some areas.
What you saying makes my installation on my starduster illegal because my pipe mast and antenna mast are about 17' to the hub of the antenna and above the peak of the garage. Then you have the top element above the hub and don't remember the length of that but will guess 6-8'. OH Well it is what it is guess I better behave. LOL
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