Look...I'm sorry. I have had a bad day and I vented on an innocent bystander under the shield of Anonymity - something I hate when others do it. I appologise for saying arrogant when I don't know you at all.
I am not touchy about my ignorance... I am very aware of it. Calling myself newbee - another word I hate - was my way joking on my ignorance. I have found that learning some electronics from books instead of school or other teacher, leads to some confusion in the language used in descriptions. Words, in other words, that you may not understand unless you have already some practical knowledge.
As for the reason why I want to know - I looked for mods on the particular CB I have, and this was all I found. The word "cut" is the part that has me confused. A potential Pandora's box with no more information than that
I chose this thread on the forum because of its title and description, as well as for other posts titled " help". If I have misunderstood, then I would greatly appriciate a point in the right direction.