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"Mon" switch on Realistic cb ?


Active Member
Sep 8, 2021
As part of my latest CB addiction I picked up and old (but nice looking) Realistic TRC-432 base CB radio. Its a pretty straight forward radio with one exception.
Does anyone know what the "Mon" is on the CB/PA/Mon switch ?
Owners manual doesn't describe it... cant find on web searches.
I dont even have a mic yet to test it.
Thanks.... Mad

I think it pipes the CB receive through the PA speaker.
Thanks. Interesting feature... I will try it some time soon.
I dont think I have ever used the PA feature on any CB but, its on all CBs.
I have seen it used in movies like The Blues Brothers with an Air Raid Siren as a speaker but,
never found a use myself.
Older emergency vehicle sirens had that feature, I remember Federal sirens having this feature.. It directed your radio through the PA speaker so you can hear it when you are out of the vehicle. Some CBs copied this feature, Cybernet radios have it, It says EXT CB on older Midlands. I can imagine the modern Facebook, Twitter folk back in the day not wanting to miss a CB call while at a field party. I can imagine pulling up to the party in my 78' Nova switching on the EXT CB switch and yelling to my friends, "I'm expecting a call if you all here someone call for Secret Squirrel give me a yell.!"
I have a few dozen of the mics for that radio if you need one.
Thanks,, I just might. I ordered a converter from 4 pin to realistic 5 pin. When it comes in I will see if it works but, might ping you for any potential sales.
How do you end up with "few dozen of the mics" ?
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Older emergency vehicle sirens had that feature, I remember Federal sirens having this feature.. It directed your radio through the PA speaker so you can hear it when you are out of the vehicle. Some CBs copied this feature, Cybernet radios have it, It says EXT CB on older Midlands. I can imagine the modern Facebook, Twitter folk back in the day not wanting to miss a CB call while at a field party. I can imagine pulling up to the party in my 78' Nova switching on the EXT CB switch and yelling to my friends, "I'm expecting a call if you all here someone call for Secret Squirrel give me a yell.!"

Dad had an IMTS MOTOROLA RadioTelephone for a few decades. A switch position would use the cars horn as ringer.

Don’t forget to turn that off after leaving the job site . . as the neighborhood where next you park won’t find it amusing (GM 4-Note 10A draw system).

Older emergency vehicle sirens had that feature,
It's still a thing on modern rigs.

Most CB's I have had would send the RX audio out the PA if the squelch was open in "PA" mode. So you could hear calls outside your car. You have to crank the squelch all the way up if you never want to hear radio traffic when using the PA and even then a super strong signal might come though with the squelch maxed. .

And then some radios dont do this at all and the PA is just a PA. No way to hear radio outside the car.

This Realistic radio gives you both options.
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