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Jun 17, 2008
I have only been on the air for a month, but I have learned a lot. Now-a-days so many operators have no courtesy. If I am in a QSO, inconsiderate operators will key up and interrupt without any consideration. This has happened to me numerous times. Whenever I get off the key, they immediatly keydown and cover up the person I am having a QSO with. If they EVER expect me to acknowlege them, they are sadly mistaken.
In the previous solar cycle , 38LSB was the contact channel and when a contact was made, the operators QSY'd to another freq. Now 38 is inhabitated with fools who live in their mommy's basement, and only try to disrupt everything. They should remember that what goes around, comes around.

I have been using Channels 36, 37, 39, 41 thru 43 for my dxing. So far, so good. Eventually, the idiots will go there, but then I will move on somewhere else. Just don't let them get under your skin. IGNORE THEM. Move to another channel and enjoy dxing.

- 399 J.J.

I agree,

That's been a problem for many years.

Many people don't have QSO's much anymore, they just want to get their numbers heard so I guess they feel it's ok to break in on people conversations.

If a break was asked for properly and someone wants to join in, that would be ok as long that they add something to the current conversation and not just a "waving a hand at you" and seventy-threeeees.
that's why 16 lsb and 40 usb is a good idea to meet at for qso time. Americans have lost their manners also. I read that also when I was a young lad.
I totally agree on both counts, People have no manners anymore,I see that almost every day ( I work at Five Guys Burgers in a College town dealing with Students almost every day) Sad where this country is headed,but staying on point,being on 16 LSB and 40 USB gets us away from that so to speak!!

I have been using Channels 36, 37, 39, 41 thru 43 for my dxing. So far, so good. Eventually, the idiots will go there, but then I will move on somewhere else. Just don't let them get under your skin. IGNORE THEM. Move to another channel and enjoy dxing.

- 399 J.J.
I do the same thing JJ. Radio is like social media. People will do stupid $hit because they do it in anonymity. Things they would never do if they were held accouable, or if they couldn't hide. Then you have the people who are down right disrespectful and they just don't care!
My question... :unsure: Who raised these people???
Thankfully we have lots of frequencies to choose from, which helps a little.
That's exactly what I'm talking about! LOL Unfortunately they give a lot of us a bad name. There is a lot of us who were taught some manners. Brings back a memory when I went to Scranton to pick up a Uniden 510 XL Pro at a indoor yard sale. I took it outside to test it before I bought it and when I gave a shout on CH-19 I met one of Scranton's Finest Foul Mouth who use F in every sentence. Talked vulgar about everyone. A real Prize Winner !
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