They are both "line of site", so given the equal terrain, yes, they have the same range. In simplex VHF, height makes right.
Thanks for the reply
But why the handheld marine Vhf is cheaper than land use handheld Vhf?Thanks again!
"They are both "line of site", so given the equal terrain, yes, they have the same range. In simplex VHF, height makes right."
Above is wrong ..
For radio signal always travels better over water..
Remember how it is far easier to get skip in the rain..
Droplets of water help enhance radio frequency transmissions..
This is why at times...one can be on the beach in calif and while talking only on an HT (4/5 watts) and talk simplex and or a repeater all the way in hawaii while talking on VHF or UHF.
would almost never happen over land ( of similar distances )
"They are both "line of site", so given the equal terrain, yes, they have the same range. In simplex VHF, height makes right."
Above is wrong ..
The above is not wrong, but an absolute fact.