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What you think is an emergency may not.....


Staff member
Apr 6, 2005
Sierra Nevada by Yosemite National Park
qualify as one in the eyes of the FCC.

  • :
    In the Matter of Jason M. Frawley Licensee of Amateur Radio Station WA7CQ, Lewiston, Idaho
  • Document Type:
    Forfeiture Order
  • Bureau(s):
  • Description
    The Federal Communications Commission affirms a $34,000 forfeiture against Jason M. Frawley for willfully and repeatedly operating a radio station without authorization

  • See link


Short story......

The complaint alleged that, on July 17 and 18, 2021, the individual had interrupted fire suppression activities and had begun advising the firefighters and aircraft personnel of hazards at a radio repeater site located at Elk Butte. Id.
The complaint also stated that the individual had identified himself on the radio as “comm tech” and his location as the Elk River airstrip. Id.
On the afternoon of July 18, the fire operations section chief left the scene of the fire and drove to the airstrip at Elk River, where he identified Frawley as “comm tech,” confirmed that it was Frawley who had been transmitting on the government frequency, and instructed him to cease operations on the frequency...........

This did not play out well for him.

One constant in the universe is the big fish in small pond theory in the person it takes to take the time even to file the complaint to start. Mr. Frawley stepped on someone's ego. Most likely to only communication he interrupted was, "Does anyone got donuts and coffee in his truck?"
Even if Mr. Frawley felt it was an emergency and was trying to prevent injury, a 911 call would have probably gotten better results and been a helluva lot cheaper. Being the hero can get pricey sometimes.
One constant in the universe is the big fish in small pond theory in the person it takes to take the time even to file the complaint to start. Mr. Frawley stepped on someone's ego. Most likely to only communication he interrupted was, "Does anyone got donuts and coffee in his truck?"
I have to absolutely disagree, he was interfering with Vital communications between Fire Air Control and ground units doing life threatening work.
This hits kind of hard for me personally.
In 2024 on the Forth of July we had the French Fire.
This burned within feet of our place, my wife and I spent a couple days in a Red Cross Evacuation center wondering if we would come home to find all of our stuff in ashes.
I have ZERO tolerance for some Idiot that wants to put a yellow reflective vest on and play amateur hero while the life's of Fire fighters and the Pilots flying a DC 10 trying to drop fire retardant on a 100 foot wall of flames, is placed in jeopardy while they struggle to save everyone's lives and property.
It's stupid and dangerous.
In my opinion he deserves every red cent of his fine.....
I hope you and your family were all safe. My apologies for any offense. I did not realize that he was talking on the main aircraft operations frequency. I just assumed that he speaking on a dispatch channel. We had this happen one time locally where a gentleman was giving directions from an auxiliary dispatch center and keyed over the main center. He was operating outside of his job and was promptly fired the next day.
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I hope you and your family were all safe. My apologies for any offense. I did not realize that he was talking on the main aircraft operations frequency. I just assumed that he speaking on a dispatch channel. We had this happen one time locally where a gentleman was giving directions from an auxiliary dispatch center and keyed over the main center. He was operating outside of his job and was promptly fired the next day.
No worries,
I have friends that work for Cal-Fire and they are extremely devoted people. Dillon Helms, a very good friend is down south right now, he leaves his wife and kids to fight fires all over the State.
They work unbelievably long hours in dangerous conditions and sleep on the ground when they can even sleep.....
I hate to see people like that put in harms way because of something stupid.
Unfortunately, in our hobby there are people that don't understand why there are rules for real reasons and the guy in this action is one of them.
Did not mean to go off on you SS, just how I feel.

It's not just the idiots on the radio we have to contend with, it is also the drone operator idiots as well. Water bomber damaged by drone over L.A.
The pilots that fly these thing have balls of steel.
Think about a DC-10, it is a massive aircraft, not a fighter jet.
They load these things with thousands of lbs of water and fire retardant. Fly less than a thousand feet above ground through smoke, turbulence, updraft caused by the fire's that can rip a plane to shreds, dump that load, and then pull up hard to avoid running into a mountain.
The stress on the planes and the pilots
Is enormous.
Now throw a idiot into the mix with a handle talkie that wants to get a rush because he thinks he is a hero, or , as above has to go fly his drone to get some great pictures for his face book page....

Dann lucky that who ever this did not bring the plane down killing the crew and a hundred people on the ground.....


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