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Farad Capacitor?


Mar 24, 2007
se michigan
I know people say that farad caps are no good for running cb amps but i just have one ? would it be worth while to add one if i had a 250 farad cap over the normal 1,2,or 5 farad caps. just a thought that went through my head.
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If it's being used in a filtering capacity, then the more filtering the better....or more filtering can't hurt. Use it if you got it. It's just that when buying one, a higher capacitance cap. will cost more.

I know people say that farad caps are no good for running cb amps but i just have one ? would it be worth while to add one if i had a 250 farad cap over the normal 1,2,or 5 farad caps. just a thought that went through my head.

I'd give anything to see a real honest to goodness 250 Farad capacitor.Man,talk about inrush current. :blink:
Adding a 1 farad capacitor across the power leads of a linear amp in mobile operation is an absolute necessity as far as I'm concerned. The capacitor performs two functions: first it will act as a noise filter and improve the receive performance of the transceiver. Second (and most importantly), It will act as a current sink and help provide maximum available amperage( and eliminate system voltage drop ) under peak load conditions. Users of super high power car stereo amps use several of these to keep their amps from clipping under peak load. Same thing applies to CB linears. Go for it ... you will see a BIG increase in power output and audio intelligibility.

- 399
Car audio and an RF amp are different animals.

You don't speak in short bursts like a bass note, so the power draw has a higher average.

It won't do a thing for adding current.
Along with actually seeing a 250 Farad capacitor, I would really like for there to be very large distances between it and me if there's an accidental short! I seriously doubt if there's a screw driver large enough to survive such an event. :)
- 'Doc
Along with actually seeing a 250 Farad capacitor, I would really like for there to be very large distances between it and me if there's an accidental short! I seriously doubt if there's a screw driver large enough to survive such an event. :)
- 'Doc
I'm sure it would remind you of a dc stick welder in action.
Car audio and an RF amp are different animals.

You don't speak in short bursts like a bass note, so the power draw has a higher average.

It won't do a thing for adding current.

In SSB the output of a linear is essentially "bursts of current."

Have you ever followed a car at night that had a big time subwoofer thumpin' away and watched the car's lights dim everytime a bass note was struck? This is because the amperage being drawn exceeds the capacity of the charging system, and the system voltage drops. Adding one (or several) 1 farad caps is the same as adding additional batteries but without the added weight. Also,as a car battery ages, its internal resistance increases due to sulfate build-up on the plates. This IR restricts current flow through the battery . Bypassing the battery with a large value cap cancels out the effects of IR and allows the car's electrical system to operate at peak capacity.

- 399

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