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FT-950 & LP PAN Review


May 9, 2010
I will be completeing the install and review of the LP-Pan adapter with the Yaesu FT-950. It will be completed by tomorrow evening and I will post it here. The Entire install consists of an IF-2000 card in the radio with the IF Output to the LP-Pan adapter then to a 0202 EMU External 192kHz Sound Card.


Ran into some issues that require me sending the LP-Pan box in for a check up, it has to do with syncing the radio freq with the software and the offset is way too large. Actually the manufacturer has never seen one that large. So hopefully they will get it figured out.

I'll keep ya posted !(y)
I think this will be an interesting read...keep us in the loop!

It will probably be the middle of next week before I can get anything done. I had to send the LP-Pan back for repair as the xtal was off freq by a significant amount. I will say that customer service & care is awesome thus far.(y)

Well here it is, took longer than I thought and if you want to change the post around thats cool, but I didnt want to start a new post for it.
Here is an upgrade I just completed that is not for the faint of heart, I decided I wanted a Pan Adapter to go along with my new Yaesu FT-950. I looked at Yaesu’s DMU-2000 as well as the IF-2000 board and the LP-Pan adapter. It appeared that the IF-2000 combo using PSDR-IF Software would yield more functionality so I set out to procure a set up.
The only reason I say not for the faint of heart is the integration of everything and the software / drivers.
I got lucky and someone was selling a complete set up for the right price. This included the RFSpace IF-2000 board, LP-Pan Adapter by TelePost Inc, and a E-MU 0202 USB External Sound card.
The first item was to install the IF-2000 board in the radio. This is a little easier on the FT-950, all you have to remove is the bottom of the radio. It mounts where the DMU-2000 board would mount and you route the output cable through the back of the radio. See Pictures:

What I Got

Install IF-2000​

Next was to connect the LP-Pan and Sound card. The LP Pan has a BNC connector on the back that you just connect the IF-Output to, and two audio out ports that connect to the left and right in ports on the Sound card.


Everything else is software set up and that can be tedious and painful !!

I did manage to get the E-MU 0202 Beta drivers and the installed fine, however when I reboot the computer I hve to turn the sound card on and off a couple of times to get the driver to load correctly.

Once the drivers were working I installed the Power SDR-IF Stage software. There are only a couple of parameters that needed to be changed and everything was working perfectly.
I have reached my max picture attachments so I will continue on in another reply.
Ok a few views of the software, it takes a little time to get everything synced up between the radio and software, but it gives you a very nice view of the band. You can also plug in to the head phones jack on the sound card and use some of the many features of the software to make you listening much more enjoyable.

Here is a view of the main software window.

Here is a collapsed view with the Panafall display chosen.

There is alot more I can write about, but I wanted to get the preliminary report posted..


Plan to do the same.

I really want to see more on the review!

I want to add the LP PAN to my FT-950. It looks like the LP PAN will do more than the Yaesu DMU 2000.


Keith WD0FIA
Just wondering out loud here,but,the IF 2000 board shouldn't be needed in my FTDX 5000 since it has an IF output jack from the factory.
Just wondering out loud here,but,the IF 2000 board shouldn't be needed in my FTDX 5000 since it has an IF output jack from the factory.

That is correct you just need the LP-Pan for your radio ..

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