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St. Helena Is - 11 meter

lol Yes there are lot of things that are not "legal" but people do them anyway. I guess because I value my ham ticket I am wondering why a ham,any ham would risk losing it just to work 11 meters when there are plenty of other bands to work with far less noise. Anyway it's a good distance contact regardless of the band. Maybe I can figure out his call and work him on another band.

Once you move outside the confines of the USA and Canada things are a lot different. A LOT different. I highly doubt that there is much in the way of the FCC equivalent on St. Helena. :LOL:
Such a Tragedy, he should be hung and beat with a cat-o-nine-tails.

Just another example of a bunch of loser dinosaurs that run a overbearing Government agency wasting our money trying to enforce "rules" ( not even Laws ) that are ancient, outdated, and ( as we have seen before) unenforceable.
To start off, if you go back years ago when the united states district attorney tried and failed to stop ranger from importing these dangerous radios into our country, the judge ruled that the Actus reus was "Mala prohibita" (refers to offenses that do not have wrongfulness associated with them.) Parking in a restricted area, driving the wrong way down a one-way street, jaywalking or unlicensed fishing are examples of acts that are prohibited by statute, but without which are not considered wrong. Mala prohibita statutes are usually imposed strictly, as there does not need to be mens rea component for punishment under those offenses, just the act itself. For this reason, it can be argued that offenses that are mala prohibita are not really crimes at all, and not "Mala in se" (meaning crimes that are thought to be inherently evil or morally wrong, and thus will be widely regarded as crimes regardless of jurisdiction.) Mala in se offenses are felonies, property crimes, immoral acts and corrupt acts by public officials.

Ya I am going to lose a lot of sleep knowing someone is communicating on a frequency declared "illegal" by a bunch of FCC field agents who don't have the training to operate a FRS radio.

Just My humble opinion of course.


Well said, Jeff.

Seems appropriate at this time for me to say some things about those who are supposed to watch over us in regard to freeband use. But take this all with a grain of salt; or accept it for what it is. Nevertheless; it is all true to the best of my knowledge and it is my public rebuttal for FCC actions taken out of turn. Let me make this point clear.

I received a letter via registered mail last month from our friends at the FCC. It was - of course - a letter of warning and not a citation. For those who are not aware, the FCC gives a warning letter which must be complied to, or further legal action is taken on any breech of federal law concerning radio use in general. If you receive a citation; then it is a mandatory court appearance in federal court and fines can be levied.

The letter was signed by Laura L. Smith of the Enforcement Bureau of the FCC.
She claimed that I had already received 'several OO cards'; and thus the warning letter.
I never received one card - at all.

Again for those who do not know, 'OO cards' are sent from 'Official Observers'; Hams that are watching the Ham bands (as well as other freq's) that send cards as a warning to radio operators (Hams and non-Hams) for illegal operations - prior to FCC actions. The OO program is run by the ARRL, and Hams first must take written tests and understand federal law in these matters and then be approved by the ARRL. The ARRL OO program is an important, mandatory, and integral part of the warning process for Ham operators.
This process had apparently been violated in my case, as well as for others.

I immediately contacted a friend of mine that is the local OO coordinator, asking him to look into this matter and see if any cards had been sent to my callsign. He checked the database online and found out that that no such cards were issued or ever sent to me - whatsoever.

I can be left with no other conclusion that either those that run the ARRL OO program do not know how to handle their responsibility, or that the FCC lied in order to speed up the bureaucratic process. Someone lied; that is only all to apparent. I know the OO coordinator in my area; and I consider him a friend and a fine Ham operator. I doubt very much that the ARRL bypassed their own process. So I can only conclude that the FCC lied and bypassed the legitimate process of OO's in order to issue warnings. Making null and void the reputation of the warning process and and those ARRL/OO's involved in it. Doesn't bode well for Laura Smith, unless she comes clean. At the very least, she should find who lied to her to clear her name and post.

AS far as I am aware of, only Ham operators have been targeted. I was not the only one to have been sent the 'letter.' If the FCC wanted to stop freeband use; then their plan is entirely ill-conceived. So what is left; what was their real motive? Keeping the freeband clear? Even IF they stopped all of the US freebanders; they cannot ever stop the multitude of other countries that use the freeband when radio skip conditions are occurring.

Enforcing the laws is the job of the FCC. Granted. I believe that some of these laws need to be reviewed and changed; but that is another kettle of fish. I complied to the FCC request to stop. But these recent FCC actions throw the warning process in disrepute and have made Laura Smith look like a joke. I can only reason that some yet unknown OO pulled her chain (lol) and coerced her into acting out of turn. IMO, that is the person that must answer for this. If this person is a ARRL/OO acting outside of the official sanction of position; then he must be asked to step down or be summarily dismissed.

...End rant
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Robb I highly doubt the FCC lied but fully suspect that they were misinformed, possible intentionly. There have been MANY cases over the years with the OO program running afoul and without the knowledge of the higher ups in the program. Unfortunately there are many OO's that seem to think that THEY are the law and overstep their boundaries sometimes even lying themselves in order to push their own agenda forward. One OO sent dozens, if not hundreds of notices of excessive bandwidth to stations, several multiple times. As it happened he was using a receiver subject to overload and those stations were in fact NOT too wide. The OO was a victim of his own stupidity and over-zealousness. The OO program is one of the better things the ARRL has done but it is also one of the worst things it has done.
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In addition, I requested from Madam Smith the Ham/OO callsign who allegedly sent OO cards in order to question him. Which is - of course - a trick question. She stated that she cannot divulge that information.

It was a trick question because ANY OO who sends out these OO cards already has his callsign on them, as this is part of what is contained in these cards.

My address had not changed, as I've lived here for five decades. One more point; my brother lives at the same address and practices law receiving important correspondence here. I have his sworn statement - who is a bonafide officer of the court - that he never received ANY such cards to this address whatsoever. So no OO card was ever received here.

Which proves two points:
1) I never got the card(s) so I wouldn't have needed to ask that question.
2) That she knew that already and was attempting to cover her actions. She knows only too well what is contained on an OO card; she is a bureaucrat and this is not her first rodeo.
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Does he have a website up with the DX-pedition details? Amateur radio call sign?

zd7vc? I've spoken to bruce many times from my base & mobile on 10m over past 2 years. I've only received 1 card back from st helena...a recent 12m contact, not with bruce though.
I'm reading this with some interest. After reading about getting or not getting letters from the ARRL OO's or the Ham auxiliary, and using a frequency illegally that's not in the Ham bands I just feel I have something to say, and probably shouldn't, but here goes anyway.

Legal or not is the dude hurting anyone on 27.067? If he was wouldn't it be ok to just ask him politely to move to a frequency so you could conduct your legal comms? That is in fact if that frequency was allocated to someone in particular.

Do these Ham guys purposely troll out of their legal limits just to bust some guy using a band that has nothing to do with Ham radio at all? I used to think they were just a bunch of good ole' boys who loved radio, and talked around the world for the fun of it. Not to be a SNITCH for the FCC. Jeez! Get a friggin life. Wouldn't it be more relaxing to just talk to your pals on the Ham bands instead of getting all worked up over some poor slob who is on a freeband?

When I first got into Ham radio (yes I am a Ham Technician) studying for my General exam. I kind of joked about the Ham police, only to find out there really is a thing called the Ham auxiliary who listen for people who are using the bands illegally., and then report them to the FCC. I was shocked that someone would purposely Rat someone out like that. And then to learn not only do they troll the Ham bands they take it a step further and go after the freebanding guy using a little CB radio. I just don't don't get it. I mean I understand it, but I just don't see why someone would expend so much energy on trying to be a little Aux Jr. FCC Ham informer. Nobody likes a snitch.

Since I've had my license I've spent most of the money I spend on radio equipment that is dedicated to CB and SSB. Here's why. I think it's just as challenging to use a CB SSB radio to DX, than it is to do the same with a Ham rig. Honestly Ham radio operators are boring. The CB guys want to make that contact, and talk about there radio, and wish you a good day. The Ham guys want to probe you and see if you have the correct license, and radio, probably in hoped they can bust you Jee WIZ. Not fun at all to be quizzed every time you get on the radio. I've only heard a few Ham radio operators that even come close to some good old boy who has learned the ropes on Cb radio and has dedicated his life hobby on CB , and is proud of how his radio is set-up and sounds. They sound as good or in most case's better than that Ham guy does.

I won't disagree at all about how many idiots on CB using those stupid noise toys, roger beeps, playing music, being drunk and using foul language, and every thing else that pisse's off Good CB radio operator's as well as Ham operator's, but you can just go to a different frequency can't you? That's what I do. It's real simple.

I was so excited to get my Ham ticket, and once I did I was totally turned off by it. Maybe someday I will get into it, but for now 11 meter, ssb is a whole bunch of fun, but I know I have to be watching my SIX at all times. That's a bummer.

All in All, I know there are many good Ham operator's out there that are into it for the pure enjoyment of Radio, and would never lower themselves to be a rat for the FCC. To those guys I send a big thank you. However I think in the whole world there are more CB'ers, Freebander's, and SSB guys than there ever will be Ham operator's.

Can't we all just live together here on mother Earth and try to get along with each other.

See Ya 73
Legal or not is the dude hurting anyone on 27.067?
Nope he was hurting no one, my only point of contention was as a ham why would someone purposely work "out of band". Now as has been pointed out maybe 27.670 is a legal freq there. Sure I buy that, but anyone from here, especially a ham, would be doing something illegal.

As far as the ham police, screw them! Most of them are poindexters or so fat they can't even move.

Fogdog sorry you have been turned off ham radio, it does have a lot to offer but as with everything the jerks ruin it for many. Ham radio is full of old fat guys with no shoes (because all the money was spent on gear) who's halos fit too tight it makes their brains hurt and therefore they become the asses you hear. More than once I have hit the power switch because I couldn't take it anymore.... life is what you make it, I'm making lemonaid.
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There is no such thing as the ham aux but there is an Official Observer program. it has no legal authority and was instigated by the ARRL to "police" the ham bands. They have no, ZERO, authority or enforcement ability and are limited to the ham bands. If someone wants to rat on a CBer or freebander they are free to do so whether they are an OO or not. An OO does NOT report directly to the FCC without having first sent a notice to the offending operator.
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I can Understand that Captain, but I've never heard of a CB'er turning in one of his Cb'er brethren because he was out of band. There are some very heated, even threating talk almost daily. Maybe they do turn them in. I personally have never heard of that. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen I reckon. it's usually all aired out over the air waves and an hour later there talking to each other again. See that's how it should be. IMHO of course.

Here's a true story that happened to me two days ago, and when I read this thread I couldn't help myself.

I was sitting in the VA hospitals parking lot in my pickup about 15 minutes early for my appointment listening to my radio on Ch 38 Lsb (27.385), and I seen this rather well dressed older gentleman come up from behind my truck looking at my antenna array on my rig. Then he slowly walks up to my window with a very deadpan face (real good poker face if you will). I roll down my window and asked him if I could help him. He was looking right at me and said I work with the FCC.

My heart sank to the bottom of my gut. I wasn't doing anything illegal , and I wasn't transmitting. He looked inside my cab, and asked what kind of radio I was running, and what I was listening to. I mean he looked right at my radio's. Stryker radio are not known for being bashful about their radios with all the bells, whistles, bright back lighting, and it says in bold letters on the faceplate 10 meter amateur mobile radio . The inside of my pickup looks more like an F-18's cockpit with the 2m/440 radio and antenna, the Stryker 955 hp, my Sat radio,the Bullydog fuel controller and screen, and whatnot how could he not have known what I was running.

I told him I was listening to SSB. Then he started talking about Ham radio, and maybe I should try and get my license, and how I could listen and really get out there and talk. The whole time (10 minutes) this guy's face was totally serious. I thought he was just building up a case about me. I said I would look in to the Ham radio license and got out of my truck.

I asked him if he was a Ham operator, and he said he was a amateur Extra non-code. I told him that I had to go, as I was already late, and I said I didn't know that the FCC had an office up in these parts.

He looked at me and said he wasn't really with the FCC, but seen my antenna's and wanted to see what I was running. Then he said isn't it funny how radio operator's REACT when someone mention's the FCC.

Holly mackerel, this guy is killing me. I was freaked out all day. Then I thought about what a good joke he pulled on me. Then after reading this post I have to wonder. :eek:
Nope he was hurting no one, my only point of contention was as a ham why would someone purposely work "out of band". Now as has been pointed out maybe 27.670 is a legal freq there. Sure I buy that, but anyone from here, especially a ham, would be doing something illegal.

Why would a HAM purposely buy a Henry 8K??

The amateur community ( which I am part of) is not that much better than any other communication community.

We have our holier than though operators, the ass hole operators, then the one's who think they are better than everyone else because they guessed a few questions correctly on an exam.

Freeband is free band, always has been always will be. Is it illegal? YES, is it not supposed to be done? YES. is it done every day all over the world? YES.

Do amateur operators use excessive power every day all over the world? YES.

Do all amateur operators follow the DX code? NO.

Can you hear amateur radio licensed operators who have taken an exam and passed it breaking amateur operating rules and not giving their full call sign when working a DX pile up? YES.

Can you here amateur radio operators intentionally causing QRM? YES

If ten meters is open you will find more activity on the freeband than you will on ten meters.

A contact is a contact, does it really matter what frequency you make it on?

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