A good communications receiver will have a noise floor less than -125 dBm but the antenna noise is usually well above that level.
that goes on 10 meter as well.
The jitttery unprofessionally made video showed me nothing else as the claim of the maker.
On H.F. sensetivety isn't the holy grail, since atmospheric noises and antenna noise will be higher as what you could archieve in front end building.
2 meter or 70 cm's yes it has a reason to go for a good front end with low noise.
On H.F, 160 - 10 meters other demands are at play,
Here in Europe other situation arises.
The demands made on a short wave receiver when used in the western hemisphere, and particularly in Europe, are great indeed. Such a receiver has to be capable of resolving weak signals in a welter of almost unbelievably strong transmissions, and provide high sensitivity at the same time as high immunity to overload.
Most CB transceivers have the double conversion receiver which all don't differ that much from each other.
I wasn't impressed to be honest.