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Maybe you're on to something. International uses a ton of acronyms in their service manuals. Their product is crap and their technicians are a bunch of parts changers. :LOL:

I think were getting off base here. The original point was the guy saying viswar. Had he said "vee es double you arr" , or voltage standing wave ratio no one would have given it a second thought.

For some reason a people in the radio hobby like to make a big deal out of such things. It's more important to them to insult than educate. Some folks on a certain radio forum would be mad at me now. Amateur radio is a service and thay can't stand for it to be called a hobby.

Hobbyists (amateurs) produced more in science than the anointed.

“Rhetoric” is the tool. Thinking progresses along lines that must be clear. A books organization is one helluva lot of work.

And, to do it in speech can mean painful re-adjustments.

Radio first, then TV “made” folks believe that deliberation was a sign of slowness. Could that be any farther off the mark?

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It’s more than coining new words. It’s the philosophical basis for communication. New words are a half step. Usually relegated to a specialty.

In religion, concepts don’t always translate. A language associated with one versus another makes this clear. To the point one or the other doesn’t “see” (acknowledge) what the other one does. A blind spot. Why texts exist, and go to length.

In the military acronyms are literally the substitute for thinking. If you get to wondering at some future date why an American mission of substantial size gets whupped by a peer or near-peer, start here.

Understand — most of all — that this doesn’t originate from the trenches. It’s an imposition from above.

Stringing acronyms together across a few sentences looks attractive. Like, shorthand. It’s anything but.

We nod, thinking we understand. As metaphor, once the place is on fire only then do the pretenses fall away. Our hands, empty, is the result.

The failure of language at a number of levels.

(Convey an office aside into a Morse transmission to a stranger. They must be able to act upon it as you would).

Government schooling was first an attack on language. It’s fluidity. If ever you hear someone deride the humanities in favor of science or business, be assured you are listening to a fool. What those have been turned into since the 19th is barely a shadow.

The Great Books are about language. They are easier to read, as the distillation of thought is what makes them stand out. “No wasted motion”, is how we today express such a sentiment. “High speed, low drag”. The machine is greater than the man . . so how did it get designed in the first place? (ha!).

Being told we may not speak of religion (attributes) isn’t about anything but keeping walled off what is most important. The scheme of relations.

What are the greatest orations you know? Lincoln’s Second? Pericles? Something of Shakespeare? Are acronyms present in other form?

An acronym has its place. Shorthand for a process to distinguish it from a related process. It’s in piling one on another that reveals the paucity of thought.

I’m not going to argue there’s an easy way out in specialized undertakings. The dilemma.

Facility in language is reserved for rulers. There is no more powerful tool, as that’s the guy set to take things over.
My respect for you has increased significantly today!
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“Rhetoric” is the tool. Thinking progresses along lines that must be clear.
Rhetoric is the hammer that is used to beat the truth into another form, maybe recognizable, maybe not.
A lot of languages are not flexible enough to accept new ideas, words or thoughts.
One example I will refer to is first hand knowledge, Alternating Current Is referred to as "Up river/down river current." The language is GERMAN! I have taught people from many different cultures, countries.
Spanish is another one that is inflexible. I can't comment on Farsi as the interpreter would not speak to me directly since it was a FEMALE. The burka and the whole nine yards. I would speak and a flurry of speech would happen for a while. I don't know if they learned anything or not since I could not quiz them.
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  • Like
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Rhetoric is the hammer that is used to beat the truth into another form, maybe recognizable, maybe not.
A lot of languages are not flexible enough to accept new ideas, words or thoughts.
One example I will refer to is first hand knowledge, Alternating Current Is referred to as "Up river/down river current." The language is GERMAN! I have taught people from many different cultures, countries.
Spanish is another one that is inflexible. I can't comment on Farsi as the interpreter would not speak to me directly since it was a FEMALE. The burka and the whole nine yards. I would speak and a flurry of speech would happen for a while. I don't know if they learned anything or not since I could not quiz them.

De Rerum Natura is the text cited as opening the doors to understanding the material world through observation. Then developing an hypothesis which can be tested.

Predictable results, eventually.

The Romans weren’t interested, is the conjecture. The same resources were available to them as to our recent forefathers. The leverage afforded by fossil fuels.

The description wasn’t quite enough to kindle that fire. The countries burdened by Roman-ce languages & laws are still more accustomed to role-enactment and are uncomfortable with the possibilities in De Rerum. Personal, versus abstract.

Nicer places to live, in some ways, but not innovative. For which we DO pay a price.

What I referred to as, “the scheme of relations”, is that we can speak of the highest and the seeming inconsequential in the same paragraph. To wall off our observations is a corruption. From either direction.

Acronyms are what suffice when learning is confined to a focus on another’s profit. They’re nothing but a stepping stone. When the goal was to cross the river.

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