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Base Best antenna of my life

Had an interesting weekend. I have been building antenna now for a bit , and have owned a few, but lately been running full wave vertical loops. I was having trouble picking up a few of my locals, and I was determined to find a way to fix this. I have had two full wave loops on the roof for about a month. On the weekend I got the idea to join two of them together,into a 2 element co-phased array, these are side by side facing out, think hands in front of your face, so 2 loops up flat side facing out, joined with a T , both loops have exactly the same amount of coax(50 feet) each to a T in the shack, then about 3 feet to the radio. This has just been amazing, longest contacts ever. I have had, 5/8 waves, j-poles, 2 elm quads, dipoles, deltas,and a moxon, this set up has just blown them all, way out of the water. I run stock 4 watts, so this has been a breakthrough for me, getting out 40 km (25 MILES) and farther in rough terrain, so think I am getting all that can be gotten out of a cb radio. I hear bits out almost 60 miles, non skip. Just thought I would share this good fortune. I have been bangin antenna design hard for about a year. This feels like, I finally found the antenna I was seeking. Skip gone here now till spring, will need this for the long cold winter. I am looking forward to using this new set-up, anybody have any ideas on tweaking it, I am all ears. I don't want to stop building and tweaking, so give me your ideas on where to take this next.
This youtube ch. : K1GMM is a BEAST when it comes to Phasing Loop Antennas
This youtube ch. : K1GMM is a BEAST when it comes to Phasing Loop Antennas
Will do, thanks, just finished another antenna to add to the array, will tune it when the freezing rain is over, may even get it in the air, warm week on the way, adding a sloper dipole to go beside the 2 full wave loops.
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