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  • New toy
    Trying to keep up with you
    I see it 5* up there
    Going ice skating on the pond?
    Fatboy 5 pill $$ , Yup pond is froze solid . Give me a LL if you get a chance , talk w/ my buddy Ralph in NC , once a week , pc is screwing up , can't really type what i want to tell you .
    Yesterday , 6 below , today -1
    I only have avionic experience. Well my friend I started this rant at 4 AM and dont want annoy you, Im at work, got to fix an airplane. Thanks again......Mark S*&## Couldn't send it all. I only have avionic experience. Well my friend I started this rant at 4 AM and dont want annoy you, Im at work, got to fix an airplane. Thanks again......Mark
    I am obviously new here, and struggle to navigate on this site, First time I've been on a forum and yes I struggle with it, however I'm learning and I find the majority of people on this site are awesome. Like yourself. I only wish I had some Black Magic I could contribute to you guys,
    Leo, Thanks buddy for the kind words and the heads up on the forum. I just ignore the haters, and listen to the good guys. I'm too old for BS, Like an agitator on the the radio, just turn the dial. I have 40 LBS of powder I keep dry
    for reloading. AZ is dry and bloody hot. I left CA cause of the political crap. I wont compromise my long rifles.
    Thanks buddy.....Mark
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    Reactions: 357magnum
    Mark , Don't leave this forum because you might get some BS from a few people on here . I almost did years back but I hung in there ! Lot's of Awesome people here but every once in a while some arse hole will stick his nose where it doesn't belong ! You can't beat this forum & the good out rule the bad ! Just a heads up because Iv'e seen too many decent people not come back . 73 & God Bless to you & your Family , Leo
    357- did you get the picture of father in-law setting in his dragster? I put the pic. on the forum and don't know where it went. still learning to navigate
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