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  • could you recommend a builder? i want a Class AB amp, not for competition, looking for an accurate and clean signal.

    about 150 watts rms. for am and SSB,

    online everytime i read a positive review about a builder, it is followed by a few negative reviews.

    very confusing for a new user.

    thanks, mark
    222dbfl said to give you a shout, I'm trying to get in touch with gatekeeper & you might know. I live in NE Georgia like he does, and have looked on youtube @ his videos, but no contact info. Hope you can help. 3's to you/yours.
    Gatekeeper is on facebook. Otherwise I don't have any contact info sorry.
    I'd email seller and ask for specs. See what it is rated for. 300pf is plenty for amp. You don't need 2 for the blocking cap.
    I'd look at some other 6 meter amps and see what they used. I'm sure that cap would be alright. But would feel better if had some hard proof. Otherwise it can get expensive guessing.
    hey Crusher been looking into a wizard built 10kw box and looked around the fourms and it seems he leaves things out that should be in the box so i wanted to know how much and how long would it take to have you build me a 10kw tube box ?

    thanks Big.A
    Seen some L/C meters on eBay coming from China that seems compable to AADE with a little greater test range..tempting to try based on price.
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