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10m/11m mobile radios


Mar 1, 2011
Hello All

Im looking for a higher end 10m 11m mobile radio. These exports for ham are horrible and im tired of the breakdowns.
Can someone reccomend a reliable mobile 10m/11m radio that with do well on am and ssb?

Thank You

The type of radio you are looking for doesn't exist, as such. There are quite a few modifiable radios that work very well though, such as the ones listed above.
- 'Doc

For 11-meters, I like the Uniden Grant XL. (or LT) They're still available NOS here and there. (eBay, etc.) The Galaxy 2547 is also very nice. I have both and they both perform well but the superior receive on the Uniden makes it my personal preference.

For 10-meters, you might want to consider purchasing an entry-level HF rig. At the prices that some of the newer 100W+ single-band rigs are going for, just a little more gets you 10 through 80. Should you upgrade your ticket, (If this indeed applies?) you're already up and running. The IC-718 comes to mind but there are others. I bequeathed my FT-840 to my boy when he earned his Tech ticket. It serves him well on 10 for phone and when he upgrades to General, he's already equipped. I think it cost me about $600 or so over 10 years ago and Icom offers the 718 at a nice discount on a fairly frequent basis.

For 10m mobile, I like the President Lincoln. That 718 above also has provisions for mobile mounting.

Good luck with whatever your choice is. See you on the bands. As always, take care es...

Vy 73 de Bert

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
The type of radio you are looking for doesn't exist, as such. There are quite a few modifiable radios that work very well though, such as the ones listed above.
- 'Doc

Doc hit the nail on the head. If you want a dedicated 10 meter rig find a nice HTX-100. Or just use a hf rig like the others mentioned. 10/11 meter rigs are all, without exception, poorly engineered and cheaply made. This is so the prices and features will attract CB'ers.
Doc hit the nail on the head. If you want a dedicated 10 meter rig find a nice HTX-100. Or just use a hf rig like the others mentioned. 10/11 meter rigs are all, without exception, poorly engineered and cheaply made. This is so the prices and features will attract CB'ers.

I'd forgotten to mention the HTC-10, it's relatively inexpensive.
I don't agree with the other statement though. Although there are more than a few cheaply made inferior designs out there, there are also some nicely made rigs as well. The President Lincoln, (the last incarnation of the HR-2510/HTX-100 line.) As well as the Clear Channel AT-3500 immediately come to mind. I'm not big on blanket statements... There are, most certainly, exceptions.

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I'd forgotten to mention the HTC-10, it's relatively inexpensive.
I don't agree with the other statement though. Although there are more than a few cheaply made inferior designs out there, there are also some nicely made rigs as well. The President Lincoln, (the last incarnation of the HR-2510/HTX-100 line.) As well as the Clear Channel AT-3500 immediately come to mind. I'm not big on blanket statements... There are, most certainly, exceptions.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk

What part of the marketplace were the rigs you mention supposed to appeal to? They were easily modifiable radios to work on the CB channels. I don't even want to go there by the way ;) And the rigs RS sold were the HTX-100 and the HTX-10.

I have a 2510 and the receive is as wide and as bad as they come. Can you tell me why that is and what the radio does not have in common with the HTX -100??
What part of the marketplace were the rigs you mention supposed to appeal to? They were easily modifiable radios to work on the CB channels. I don't even want to go there by the way ;) And the rigs RS sold were the HTX-100 and the HTX-10.

I have a 2510 and the receive is as wide and as bad as they come. Can you tell me why that is and what the radio does not have in common with the HTX -100??

While there's no doubt that there are many rigs marketed solely for the 11-meter "freeband" (I hate that term, btw.) market, there are still.some that are quite useful for law abiding ARO's. I don't wish to appear disagreeable with you, I just very rarely make blanket statements.

As for your HR-2510, sorry to hear about its poor performance. I've owned an HR-2510, an HTX-100,.and my current mobile companion, the President Lincoln and have experienced FB performance. Lest you think I have low expectations wrt the receive on my rigs, my shack rig, an Elecraft K2/100, sets the standard.

I've also owned an HTX-10 and sold it rather quickly. The only difference with the first three rigs is the microprocessor. Agn, sri to hr abt ur rig's performance issues... Bummer.

Also remember, I operate 99.999% CW on HF w/the remaining 0.001% being 10m mobile during my commute to/from work. As always, take care es...

Vy 73 de Bert

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The HTX-100 used a 3 KHz IF Filter.
The Hr radio used the 5KHz IF Filter.

This is because the Hr and Lincoln radios where all mode.
The HTX-100 was CW/USB only so there was no problem with the narrow filter.

The HTX-100 used a 3 KHz IF Filter.
The Hr radio used the 5KHz IF Filter.

This is because the Hr and Lincoln radios where all mode.
The HTX-100 was CW/USB only so there was no problem with the narrow filter.


Great info, tnx. Loved 'em both. Btw, I have the CBCI Channel Guard enhanced IF filter installed.

73, Bert

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Tough question. I have two quite decent 10M/11M radios here that will perform well for ham use and still be useful for CB:
The Yeticom OPTIMA and the Magnum OmegaForce S45HP.

The problem with any amateur HF radio is the performance on AM. No amateur HF radio is a "AM screamer". The best you can do with an amateur HF rig is 100% modulation. For CB use you'll need an "AM screamer" that will do 125% or more on positive peaks. Most "export" radio use a proper collector modulator, as opposed to the balanced modulators in amateur HF rigs.

The other issue is SSB bandwidth. An amateur HF rig will be as narrow as 2.4 Khz bandwidth on SSB (or narrower). Most "export" radios are about +/- 4Khz BW. You can always narrow up an export radio with the CBCI "Channel Guard" IF filter.

The only advantage of the two above mentioned "10M" radios is that they sport complete amateur features, such as full 10M coverage to 29.7 MHz, repeater offsets, and in the case of the S45HP, a 88.5Hz subaudible tone. The S45HP is known for it's outstanding AM performance, while the OPTIMA is very decent on AM, but not a screamer. It's AM performance is almost like that of an older "boat-anchor" like the Johnson Ranger. It has superb, almost HiFi AM audio. When 10M gets crowded, I use a Radio Shack DSP 40 DSP unit on it to eliminate QRM.

There are other decent "10M" radios but they won't cover the entire 10M band, (they only go up to 29.655 MHz) and don't have repeater splits. They are designed for the newly minted Technician Class operator, who also wants CB.

It comes down to what kind of performance you want from the radios.
I think the The Yeticom OPTIMA is going in the right direction with switchable filters, better FM, repeater offsets.. for a 10/12 meter mobile.
I really think the guys are putting a good effort into building a decent radio.
And it seems the Factory is working with him.
As this next cycle, 10 ( and 11 ) and 12 meters will become active again, and I think with the bottom of 10 open to new techs will do well.
We may soon start hearing more dual band mobiles on the bands..... small radio`s, and short ( relativity ) antennas make 10 and 12 meters a good mobile HF set up.

I think the The Yeticom OPTIMA is going in the right direction with switchable filters, better FM, repeater offsets.. for a 10/12 meter mobile.
I really think the guys are putting a good effort into building a decent radio.
And it seems the Factory is working with him.
As this next cycle, 10 ( and 11 ) and 12 meters will become active again, and I think with the bottom of 10 open to new techs will do well.
We may soon start hearing more dual band mobiles on the bands..... small radio`s, and short ( relativity ) antennas make 10 and 12 meters a good mobile HF set up.


Are the Yeticom mobiles available stateside yet?

Sent from my phone.
Are the Yeticom mobiles available stateside yet?
No dealers that I've heard of. Everyone who has one, got it direct from Yeticom.

Dealers whom I've spoken to, like the radio, but are afraid to order quantity, as it has a limited interest by the non-amateur, and dealers don't want to be stuck with it. They can order a Magnum 257HP for almost $100. less that they know will sell. Quite frankly, it ought to be marketed to hams who will appreciate it's features. Unfortunately, the U.S., it's most likely market, might not allow that allow that due to FCC regs. Could U.S. ham magazines accept advertising? A quandary.

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