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11 meter is very quiet?

Wouldn't you know it, my computer geek neighbor is back to work today and my radio is deader than a door nail. I think this must be the meaning of Sometimes you eat the bear & Sometimes the bear eats you !
Yup, sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug!
Screenshot_20241008-093109.pngWell Good Morning Fellow Dxers, just checking the conditions online and it doesn't look to promising, however I'll be on the air the next 3 days on 37 and 38 LSB here and there since where I work at is closed the next 2 days due to the city working on the water main in front of our Store,so I get a little vacation and more Radio time, hope everyone has a great day ahead........

Well it seem like DX was going to cooperate a little better today than it was the past 2 days so I decided to hook the Lincoln II+ back up and give it another shot. After hooking it up and turning it on for a half-hour because it was setting in a cold room, I commenced to try making contacts. Mind you DX wasn't rolling like last week but I did make 2 Dallas contacts, 1 Arkansas, & 1 Oklahoma. I got flowers from 3 operators and 1 mediocre. It's setting there ready and waiting for a Hot DX day so I can put it thru it's Paces
Good Morning my Fellow Dxers,
Well I just had a nice 5 minute qso with a gentleman named Henry (161 Division #108) out of South East Poland on .390 LSB, Conditions are not the greatest at the moment and took a little bit between the qrm,but we got the Connection , looking like we might be getting another solar flare headed towards Earth today so I heard, hope everyone has a great day ahead and Happy Dxing!!

I don't shoot a lot of skip. The radio I'm using at the moment, a Royce 619, doesn't even have SSB. Anyway, last night our local conversation ended early because the skip was so bad it was difficult to talk across town. Later as I was headed to bed around 10:30, I turned the radio on for the heck of it and was greeted by a loud, +30 voice I didn't recognize. He was stronger than any of the locals. My first thought was, "Uh oh. Someone has moved in down the street and put up an antenna. That or someone is parked outside my house." I listened and then realized he was in Rhode Island (I'm in Texas). He was talking to someone in California I couldn't hear. When he finished, I went back to him. He said I almost knocked him out of his chair. We talked a couple of minutes before I realized I didn't have my box on. I told him and he said he doesn't even own one. Has always run barefoot. We talked a while longer and then bid each other good night.
Boy, when conditions are right . . .
I don't shoot a lot of skip. The radio I'm using at the moment, a Royce 619, doesn't even have SSB. Anyway, last night our local conversation ended early because the skip was so bad it was difficult to talk across town. Later as I was headed to bed around 10:30, I turned the radio on for the heck of it and was greeted by a loud, +30 voice I didn't recognize. He was stronger than any of the locals. My first thought was, "Uh oh. Someone has moved in down the street and put up an antenna. That or someone is parked outside my house." I listened and then realized he was in Rhode Island (I'm in Texas). He was talking to someone in California I couldn't hear. When he finished, I went back to him. He said I almost knocked him out of his chair. We talked a couple of minutes before I realized I didn't have my box on. I told him and he said he doesn't even own one. Has always run barefoot. We talked a while longer and then bid each other good night.
Boy, when conditions are right . . .
The radio can throw you some surprises sometimes. 3 or 4 years ago before skip was running I was running a yard sale with my grand daughter and had a stock cobra 29 hooked to a Firestik Indoor antenna on top of a piece of sheet out on the lawn and spoke to a fellow 3 states away. Shocked my grand daughter and myself. Another radio man called it Back Scatter, but nice to get surprised sometimes !
Interesting conditions this morning on LSB 385. Normal DX didn't start at the usual time but had some in state short skip - talked to American Kangaroo 295 mobile in Houston (200Miles as the crow flies), and various other stations that were 100+ mile distances. Double 55 Art in La Grange, 315 Bastrop, Triple X mobile SE Austin on the way to work, etc. All in all, a good morning.

Christian 932(?) Germany currently active on 375 LSB.
Getting everything back where it belongs (mostly), and put my station on-the-air for the 1st time in a while. Talked with 44 in Des Moines IO, and 747 in Ontario. Both on 37 lower. Then just copied the mail while I kept arranging my shop/shack.
Still a long way to go. Slow, but sure.

J.J. 399
good luck gettin it back like you want it

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