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811 no output

Allen C. Ward:
What is the plate current reading when you put 60 watts of drive on? Does the plate current change when you vary the plate and load capacitors?
You could have a bad rx/tx relay (contacts not making?). You could have a bad (open) output coupling capacitor or a broken connection or short in the antenna connector or a bad power meter. What have you checked? Did you do a good look around when you put in new tubes. If the amp was shipped, anything could have happened. Often things are badly vibrated in shipment.

Don’t apply 60 watts just your 5 watts your using. Even though the TR relay is clicking is could still be a relay issue or the coupling capacitor or a broken connection
I have it off line at the moment. Going to let my ham friend check it out. He thinks it sounds like relay. To me, acts like something is loose. Hopefully, he can find issue or send it back.
any bad weather or storm after you got off 75m ,, maybe it got zapped with static charge??

I had an old 11m amp that got zapped during a snow storm from static from the wind/snow making a charge on a antenna,, heard it zapping, took the coax off the amp and the pl259 center pin would arc to the shield of the pl-259
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Have your Ham Radio friend call Ameritron & ask for Rob Hood.He builds those amps & is a great guy.He won't talk to you & help you if you don't have a call sign since they of course want licensed Hams using them where they are Legal.He can give pointers & has no issue with helping solve problems with their amplifiers.Mike Eunis is another one if Rob is unavailable.

Have your Ham Radio friend call Ameritron & ask for Rob Hood.He builds those amps & is a great guy.He won't talk to you & help you if you don't have a call sign since they of course want licensed Hams using them where they are Legal.He can give pointers & has no issue with helping solve problems with their amplifiers.Mike Eunis is another one if Rob is unavailable.


I just remembered that you said you were on 40 meters when it happened. LOL Forget getting your Ham Friend to call Ameritron just call them yourself on Monday now if you have not already done so. LOL I am OLD so I have an excuse. hehe


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