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Sr. Member
Apr 8, 2016
After 25+ years off the air I rediscovered much of my old equipment and decided to give the hobby another go.
That was two years + ago. I was original on air from about 74 until 87. During those years I strictly stayed on my home Channel (15 AM BK NY) and spoke locally only. I don't ever recall shooting skip. I did have a couple of single Side Band transceivers (tram/browning) but never used them on SSB. About 2 years ago
I set up two stations. One which I would use strictly for my AM station (sonar FS 2340). And the other a Uniden Madison. I wanted to finally give SSB a try. After 2 months of local AM talk I decided to use the Madison on SSB. I quickly found it more enjoyable as during that time the conditions were allowing for worldwide contacts.
Since those conditions have died out I've been using my AM and SSB stations for mostly local qso's. Even though the conditions worldwide have not returned to my area there are conditions throughout the US (during the past month) almost every time I turn my radios on. I noticed many local AM stations making numerous amounts of contacts throughout the US when conditions allowed. But for some reason I just couldn't make those same contacts. I don't want to be a hypocrite. I have made fun at the AM skip lingo that appears to be a prerequisite when dxing on that mode. I've recently been using the very lingo that I found funny, awkward, and sometimes annoying.
You know the lingo. Everyone seems to call each other three or four times and then say there handle and qth as many times.
Well lo and behold I actually can make contacts With my AM only rig which I wasn't making while using the standard type of SSB single call (while on AM.)
It really works and works well. When I would call one time on a AM I would never make contacts and just assumed it was the lack of height on my antenna (7') that for some reason affected my ability to make contacts on AM.
I thought there was a technical explanation. I began to believe that my antennas lack of height had something to do with me not getting out on AM.
One call on SSB and 90% of the time I would get a return.
One call on AM and no would ever get back to me. And I mean never! I'm not sure why this lingo is a must on AM. But I will assume it's that so many people unlike SSB are calling at the same time and it's necessary to repeat ones handle and qth three or four times in order to be heard.
I find it a little awkward but as time goes by I seem to be getting used to it. I have become that which I have made fun of. I think I even posted about the funny way AM skip shooters spoke. I guess if it works it is what it is. Although I think it's going to take time getting comfortable using this type of lingo I will indeed get used to it. And I am for the first time enjoying the hobby, while shooting skip on AM. And I'm making as many contacts as I did on SSB. I went from no one replying to multiple stations calling back at one time when using the AM Skip lingo. 73

And I just got down!
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It's not the rambling lingo. The fact that AM is noisier means you have to repeat repeat repeat yourself several times for the other station to hear everything. On SSB things are much quieter and no heterodyning from several stations on the frequency at the same time means a simple call and you are done. Well that and a completely different mindset on SSB. :)
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It's not the rambling lingo. The fact that AM is noisier means you have to repeat repeat repeat yourself several times for the other station to hear everything. On SSB things are much quieter and no heterodyning from several stations on the frequency at the same time means a simple call and you are done. Well that and a completely different mindset on SSB. :)
No doubt on the mindset.
It's strange at least for me to go back and forth between the two exsteamly different ways one speaks while on AM and SSB.
I did mention in my post that it feels strange and awkward to be speaking the way i need to if i want to make contacts on AM, I find myself turning on the Sonar first as of late.
In all honesty since I've discovered I can actually make contacts on AM I have been spending most of my radio time there.
Up until four days ago if I spent 2 hours on the air it would be an hour and half on SSB and a half-hour talking to my locals on AM.
I guess it's just something new to me and I will eventually revert back to my old haunts (SSB). Imo nothing beats SSB for real Radio enjoyment. If I only would have known how easy it was to actually make contacts on AM I would have picked up the lingo a while ago. I now have two modes to operate on. Doubling my enjoyment. I find it kind of funny because I'm sure there are people listening who actually can tell that I am new to shooting skip on AM. I find myself stumbling and stuttering On Words. I am not very comfortable with the lingo yet. I'm sure I'll get better as I go along. 73
And I just got down! (LOL)
You don't need the lingo but you need to get their attention. If you can key up and take over the frequency you don't have to repeat yourself or talk a certain way.

The guys that repeat themselves over and over trying to get acknowledged are usually weak or have bad conditions. You rarely get to talk with them after you've made contact with them. Pay attention to the s meter. Most of the time the stronger they are the more likely they are to hear you.

Don't forget about good old politics. Guys that know each other will sometimes keep talking as if they can't hear you. I've caught them by using a Jamaican accent and called them out on it when they took the bait.
You don't need the lingo but you need to get their attention. If you can key up and take over the frequency you don't have to repeat yourself or talk a certain way.

The guys that repeat themselves over and over trying to get acknowledged are usually weak or have bad conditions. You rarely get to talk with them after you've made contact with them. Pay attention to the s meter. Most of the time the stronger they are the more likely they are to hear you.

Don't forget about good old politics. Guys that know each other will sometimes keep talking as if they can't hear you. I've caught them by using a Jamaican accent and called them out on it when they took the bait.

Agreed on the weaker signal... Most of the times they repeat themselves so if the stronger station is in between keys, then maybe they can get there name called.. (y) :sneaky:
You can easily talk the world with 100w SSB and a ground plane.
The whole AM world starts lighting up with a beam and 500w.

FYI, i know of plenty of old timers that will not pick up the mic unless the station is giving them 20 over. If your a duck, you need all the mother nature on your side.
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You can easily talk the world with 100w SSB and a ground plane.
The whole AM world starts lighting up with a beam and 500w.

FYI, i know of plenty of old timers that will not pick up the mic unless the station is giving them 20 over. If your a duck, you need all the mother nature on your side.

heheheheheh 20+ .. I hear ya on that.. A beam is the ideal setup with a ground plane above it.. You do not need to run as much power with a beam, but running power and a beam, well, hammer down boys.... (y)
I've always had good luck on the quiet channels. I just called out on 28 and and got a reply. I was actually surprised what 300 watts can do on am, if you aren't competing with all the big stations
I've always had good luck on the quiet channels. I just called out on 28 and and got a reply. I was actually surprised what 300 watts can do on am, if you aren't competing with all the big stations

Nice... I am always on channel 28 AM.. If you hear me out there, give me a shout.. 325 big apple trees, we listening.. (y)
I agree. I definitely don't think it's "cool'. If conditions allowed and I were to make a contact to another country on AM I for sure would not be saying, and I just got up, and I just got down, you got a grip on my lip excetera excetera. As a matter of fact I don't use those funny sayings now (they make me laugh when I hear them). I find that aspect of the AM lingo ridiculously absurd and will not those phrases won't be coming out of my mouth. And although the only way it seems for me to make most of the AM contacts I do is to use what I believe is what it takes for me to make them. I would rather make contacts on AM just like I do on SSB but, as you can note in my op, it's not possible. Or very unlikely considering my operating conditions. It seems as if the stations with ideal operating conditions for AM skip use the lingo to the max anyway. I have to be one of those who calls a potential contact three times if I'm to be heard. It's just a fact of AM skip for me. 73
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It's all good if you're enjoying radio. I don't care how you talk or what you're talking on. Anyone that looks down on you for having fun on the radio (as long as you aren't jamming or harassing someone) is not someone I want to talk to. If there that stuck up they need to find the local radio club's repeater where they can talk with like minded people.

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