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antenna question


Active Member
Dec 1, 2006
how can i make it so the neighbours cant hear me through there tv when i talk on my cb.........this happens when im in my truck in the laneway talking on my radio can i avoid this cause i wanna set up a base but not if its gonna piss them off

hmm... a high-pass filter is a TVI filter.

That's one way. And if I remember correctly, the FCC booklet isn't going to do you much good 'up there'. Also not sure about how your rules work. 'Down here', a TV is a Part-15 device. That means is has to accept any interference is receives and can't do anything about it (as long as the interfering signal is being produced 'properly' <-- the biggy).
- 'Doc

and the way this day has been going, I could be totally wrong about all of it.
Run a clean station and you should be o.k. Clean connections, clean radio, all nice and grounded....

Run a dirty station, and there's not much you can do to avoid issues with interference.
You should have a LOW-pass filter at the output of the amplifier. Ideally you'd have one at the output of the radio as well, especially if the radio's been "tuned". Or clipped. LOW pass filters, well bonded to ground, should help a lot. No guarantee that it'll completely cure the problem, but...

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