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Any FCC busts for DXing?

A guy I talk to daily got flagged down today because he had a cb antenna....had him key down and used a instrument of some kind to measure the power output of his cb.....they are definitely trying to bust folks around here.

I'd also like to know on what authority did this person perform a "VnT" a.k.a. traffic stop? Depending on the municipality, detaining someone from unrestricted movement (Including vehicular.) is a precursor to arrest and cannot be done by FCC agents. FCC agents are not sworn peace officers with 24/7 statutory powers of arrest. (& yes, I got that straight from the horse's mouth.) That is why they bring U.S. Marshals along, to effect the actual arrest.

Nothing more embarrassing than flashing your FCC tin and being collared by the suspected "perp," who really is a cop, for criminal impersonation. Hey, didn't that already happen?

73 de Bert

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
A guy I talk to daily got flagged down today because he had a cb antenna....had him key down and used a instrument of some kind to measure the power output of his cb.....they are definitely trying to bust folks around here.
I know they been busy in Southern Ill and Tenn and Ky...and wash and Org...I know they have a Marshal or local P.D. with them all the time...73 de JW
To anyone's knowledge, has anyone anywhere ever been busted for talking more than 150 miles / 250 km on a CB?

I'm not asking for hypotheticals here, or about using the range limit for a "pile it on charge" for a guy who's already breaking other laws. I'm asking if the FCC ever goes (or has gone after) some guy who's harmlessly working a little skip. Or is this something like a jaywalking law that hasn't been enforced in decades?

Not to the best of my knowledge. Afaik, it's usually an additional hit, much like the ubiquitous DisCon... Or if you're being a real Jackass, 'Resisting Arrest' at even the slightest muscular twitch.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
A guy I talk to daily got flagged down today because he had a cb antenna....had him key down and used a instrument of some kind to measure the power output of his cb.....they are definitely trying to bust folks around here.

I found out that guy was telling a whopper....my bad for taking anything anyone sez on the cb serious. :laugh:
They arer out there !

I have a friend who got a letter from the FCC. The letter stated what he had said to the skip station. It told him to Cease and Desist ore they would confiscate his equipment and carry him to court. The letter also stated the rule about talking over 150 miles. They may take a while, but, don't be surprised when they get you
I have a friend who got a letter from the FCC. The letter stated what he had said to the skip station. It told him to Cease and Desist ore they would confiscate his equipment and carry him to court. The letter also stated the rule about talking over 150 miles. They may take a while, but, don't be surprised when they get you

The wheels grind slowly but exceedingly fine.

The LEO in me understands that this is indeed an FCC rule & reg, however, the taxpayer in me is more than just a little concerned that a portion of my tax $'s went to pay for someone to type this letter up. Me thinks there may be a tad more to the story.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2
I have a friend who got a letter from the FCC. The letter stated what he had said to the skip station. It told him to Cease and Desist ore they would confiscate his equipment and carry him to court. The letter also stated the rule about talking over 150 miles. They may take a while, but, don't be surprised when they get you

Is your friend running a linear?

Think they can only confiscate illegal equipment. In fact, they don't really confiscate equipment very often. Not from the accounts that I've read about - anyway. Think they like to keep big illegal linears out there so they can be re-sold and used again so they can perpetuate more fines and court proceedings for other victims. . .
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People say "Nehhh the FCC don't give a rip about the CB band". Yeah they do too! Probably not as much like back in the 70's. It only takes 30 watts to get a big fine. Not a good idea to key up near a cop car,police station,fire department,hospital. I was talking to a guy at the CB Shop a few months ago and he said he was here in Savannah(where I live). He keyed up that 5 pill in town to talk to ModSquad in Hawaii. Haha he said 5 cop cars surrounded him for bleeding on their radio.
I have a friend who got a letter from the FCC. The letter stated what he had said to the skip station. It told him to Cease and Desist ore they would confiscate his equipment and carry him to court. The letter also stated the rule about talking over 150 miles. They may take a while, but, don't be surprised when they get you

How long ago did this happen?
Yeah, they've pretty much have all that under control now. All the hospitals I work still have no cell phone in the OR, only lounge. But myself and the physicians I work with still do. No problems. I think management just wants everyone to pay attention and not be playing Angry Birds or something. :D
The patients are asleep! :D
"my joking does not represent any real or imaginary situations". :)

K9GAS, Believe me; the hospitals are not concerned with interfering with the patient's sleep...
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People say "Nehhh the FCC don't give a rip about the CB band". Yeah they do too! Probably not as much like back in the 70's. It only takes 30 watts to get a big fine. Not a good idea to key up near a cop car,police station,fire department,hospital. I was talking to a guy at the CB Shop a few months ago and he said he was here in Savannah(where I live). He keyed up that 5 pill in town to talk to ModSquad in Hawaii. Haha he said 5 cop cars surrounded him for bleeding on their radio.

Sorry but I'm going to hit the BS button on this. No way 10 or 11m will bleed or splash 900mhz police radio's. Now if this happened back in say 1975 when the State Police were on 40mhz who knows. 95% of all local and county police would have no idea what different cb radio's, Exports, or ham radio's look like much less do any enforcement.

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