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bs-1 ham


Active Member
Apr 2, 2005
lancaster pa
did any ever use the workman bs-1 ham dipole and how did it work i have my kenwood ts-130s 10-80 meter.I picked up one of these dipole's cheap and wanted to know how they work and if there any good.

Don't have one, never used one, but. From the advertisement, it's an indoor CB/11 meter antenna. Any indoor antenna isn't going to be the most 'thrilling' in the world. But if it's made sort of close to what's required for an 11 meter dipole, it shouldn't be all that bad. You should be able to make one for about the same price (or cheaper after figuring in shipping costs). I see no reason that the 'BS-1' would be any 'better' than a home-made one. It would require some sort of basic building skills though (reading a yardstick, soldering, etc.).
Being naturally 'cheap', I just can't 'see' buying a dipole rather than making one. That's me, though.
- 'Doc
Looked again and couldn't find anything like that. Again, if it's just about 150 feet of wire, plus the feed line and/or a center insulator to connect the feed line to, I'm afraid I'd still have to just make it instead of buying it (Mr.Cheap). A 500 foot spool of wire will go a loooong way when making wire antennas. It's really not that difficult.
What's the price on that antenna?
- 'Doc
Not sure I'd complain about that price, and not sure I could build it any cheaper. So, if it 'works' at all I'd think you came out ahead.
You really going to put that up inside?
- 'Doc
Had to ask, sorry :).

I would recommend a tuner to go along with that antenna. Not that it would need a tuner on 80 meters, but because it would make it usable on other bands ('usable', not great). With limited space for antennas, that's always a fairly nice option. If you decide to try that, I would also recommend that the tuner be rated for at least 200 watts. That's because of how most commercial tuners are 'rated', in Pep watts, not average watts. 'Bigger' is 'better', big deal, so long as it works. May not be the 'loudest' thing on the bands, but at least you will be ON the bands.
Have fun!
- 'Doc
i have a tuner z-100 ldg for now i was going to try the antenna just for fun to see what i get i also have a antron 99 up for 10 - 11 meter i was told if i use the tuner i can use the antron but i didn't want to burn up my rig till i did some checking around

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