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Can Cobra HH425LI talk with Midland GXT1000


Oct 23, 2012
I intend to get a Cobra HH425LI which advertised as GMRS/VHF dual-band hand talkie. Since I have two pair of Midland GXT1000 and one pair of Midland XT20, I want they can work together.

I ordered an used Cobra HH425LI last month and it didn't work for me. I don't know does the unit broken or not. I set-up the HH425 and the GXT on the same channel, frequency and not Privacy Code.

Is there anyone tried to make the Cobra HH425LI with any other GMRS brand walkie talkie (I mean GMRS hand talkie not from Cobra)?

I really need your advice in this case sine I really need an GMRS/VHF Hand Talkie with 5 watt so I can use them for long range conversation while camping out side (I'm in Viet Nam so the rules is pretty easy on using GMRS/VHF).

I gleaned this from the owner's manual found online at Cobra....

Make sure the Cobra radio is in GMRS mode. Channels 15-22 should be able to communicate with any standard GMRS radio at 5 watts, including the Midland you mentioned.
I tried all channels on GMRS but no thing happen. The Cobra HH425LI can't pick-up the Midland and the same for Midland to pick-up from the Cobra, nothing happen too.

May be the used one is broken. I don't think my GXT1000 is broken since tow pairs of mine can communicate with each other just fine.

If anyone have the Cobra HH425LI unit in your hand, please try it with some other brand GMRS and tell me if are they working or not, and which brand did you used so I can decide about buying another HH425LI next month :headbang.
try holding the monitor button down so it breaks squelch (makes noise) see if you can hear the other radio transmit. if so you got the wrong privacy code, check owners manual...CTCSS,DCS or whatever they call it on them

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