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channel 17 idiot

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Its a local up here in the Portland Oregon area, hes been visited by the FCC but still throws carriers. He has even had court orders to not talk on the radio even before the FCC visited him.

Im just waiting to see what happens to him!


yea. today the guy did it on channel 6 SUPER BOWL. sir mix alot said he going to pin the guys coax. they thought it was a jammer. all i know is today it was cherry patch 60+ db of that siren!

i just read that document. haha is that real??..... why is there no FCC here in cali?
hehe, ive heard that idiot before... luckily for me, i havent had his conditions my way too often ! otherwise, id have to go ape shit.

by the way, nice gate of the idiot.. you just made him famous. just as he wanted
haha ill delet it, today he slammed super bowl 6 man ppl were mad. i wonder why the fcc hasnt smaked his mud duck lips.
video is now unlisted
Morse123: Nice radio! ;)

Is the siren idiot still on? I'm busting a gut here... there's a video listed there... "cb radio and police siren for sale " :laugh:
yea. today the guy did it on channel 6 SUPER BOWL. sir mix alot said he going to pin the guys coax. they thought it was a jammer. all i know is today it was cherry patch 60+ db of that siren!

i just read that document. haha is that real??..... why is there no FCC here in cali?

You should tell Prime he was getting his lips cut off by a welfare base station, im pretty surprised the siren was hitting you at 60db. I was driving around Portland all day yesterday and he had the siren going off and on form about 9:00am - 7-8pm but out where I live I dont really hear him.

Yup its real, you have the FCC down there but they make it hard to make a complaint, the FCC not to worried about CB they can generate more revenue with fines on the commercial side.
you have the FCC down there but they make it hard to make a complaint, the FCC not to worried about CB they can generate more revenue with fines on the commercial side.

That and selling off spectrum to commercial user`s for Big $$$$$

If you can at least tell the guy to announce what state he is in, people can use him for a propagation beacon :drool:
I am truly surprised at what these clowns get away with nowadays. Several decades ago, back when you still actually had assigned call letters on CB and Nixon was not a crook, people didn't put up with that crap. If you were deliberately and repeatedly causing problems, nobody waited for the FCC to get involved. The locals would T-hunt you down and take care of the situation themselves right now.

If one day you found your coax pinned or cut, it meant that the channel was sending you a message and it would behoove you to heed the warning and clean up your act. In the vast majority of cases this was all that was needed to make the offender mend his ways.

But then there's always that small percentage of cretinous miscreants that are too stupid to take the hint.

I know of instances where antennas have been destroyed by several means. Once where a cable was hooked between a tower and a truck bumper and when the driver hit the gas hilarity ensued. Another instance where a friendly knock on the door with a polite request to stop was met with profanities and threats. Except what the ignorant buttwipe failed to realize was if someone knocks on your door then they know where you live, and that info can be easily broadcast across many channels until hundreds of angry people also have your address, descriptions of your mobiles, where you work and what your schedule is, etc. That imbecile was plagued with acts of random vandalism for months until he finally learned his lesson and sold all his radios.

Of course actions like this are illegal, and I don't suggest that anyone here participate in these acts. But, then again, when you put forth great effort to intentionally piss off hundreds of people, you have to expect that some of them may react poorly. If you rap on the hornet's nest, don't be surprised when you get stung.

In the end, though, the problem was eliminated. And usually quite quickly, too. Sounds like a few people near Portland need to sack-up pay mister Leon a visit and see if they can resolve problem once and for all.
If you can at least tell the guy to announce what state he is in, people can use him for a propagation beacon :drool:

he's in either Washington or Organ because channel 17AM is the trucker channel out there. also used for local talk out there.
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