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Club Member Roster

Being totally Stupid!

I am stupid when it comes to EXCEL !....:headbang
Is there a way to sort the roster by callsigns?
Then callsigns #'s
I like to have something for the desk in alphabetical order of callsign then by callsign district?
EX: AA1-ZZ1....AA2-ZZ2...etc
Make any sense?
So when I hear a call from member with a 2 call...just slide down the list to that call district and have the alphabetical listing of calls in that area?
I hope I am making myself clear here?
Thanks for help
All the Best
I am stupid when it comes to EXCEL !....:headbang
Is there a way to sort the roster by callsigns?
Then callsigns #'s
I like to have something for the desk in alphabetical order of callsign then by callsign district?
EX: AA1-ZZ1....AA2-ZZ2...etc
Make any sense?
So when I hear a call from member with a 2 call...just slide down the list to that call district and have the alphabetical listing of calls in that area?
I hope I am making myself clear here?
Thanks for help
All the Best

That makes sense. Alpha & numeral order.
I am stupid when it comes to EXCEL !....:headbang
Is there a way to sort the roster by callsigns?
Then callsigns #'s
I like to have something for the desk in alphabetical order of callsign then by callsign district?
EX: AA1-ZZ1....AA2-ZZ2...etc
Make any sense?
So when I hear a call from member with a 2 call...just slide down the list to that call district and have the alphabetical listing of calls in that area?
I hope I am making myself clear here?
Thanks for help
All the Best

Try this link - it explains how to sort by one or multiple columns in Excel:

Excel Sorting Data Basics

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