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Contest stations 10 meters

Many good dx stations on this evening and thru the weekend working the contest. 73 and Good Dx

Yeah, I had one of those assholes move in 1 Kc away from me on fone:headbang,........

I turned on the QRO amp & and pointed the antenna at him.<can not stand it>
he went away
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Well the bands have slowed down.....I did not contest this weekend, but did hear many Dx operators. Must have been 100 Japanese on 10 last nite, today around noon I was still hearing Scandinavia and EU contest stations. Some rare ones on the clusters....hope you guys did well.,
Anyone get the Togo Africa station?
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I worked a few this weekend. Repaired the dipole Saturday morning, I replaced the Balun. Everything is worked as it should again and hearing better as well.

yeah, at least here the WX is finally starting to warm up

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