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D104 ?



Just got a 104 with TUG8 base, so now I need to know what is the switch marked R and E ?

next mic question.

what is a 107E, ad claimed to be same a D104


<img src=http://www.youngmaterials.com/images/wildbill.gif>
Wildbill857</p>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub86.ezboard.com/bworldwidecbradioclub.showLocalUserPublicProfile?login=wildbill857>wildbill857</A> at: 1/28/02 10:55:05 pm

R is for relay switching, and E is for electronic switching.

Most radios today are all electronic, the older rigs used the relays.

Usually they only had 4 wires.

White = Audio

Black = Receive

Shield = Ground

Red = Transmit

</p>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub86.ezboard.com/ucharger383.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Charger383</A> at: 1/28/02 11:00:22 pm

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