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Description on Ebay of a 980ssb


Active Member
Mar 6, 2012
Unidens Newest Model Radio, is The Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB, 40 channel, AM/LSB/USB, Mode C.B Radio. This New Uniden 980 Single SideBand Radio, is a Loud Talking Powerful Radio. This Custom BearCat 980 Radio, is The Newest Digital Radio On The Market Today. This Radio is a Real Talker, with Full Audio OutPut, and With The SideBand Frequencies, It's Three Times More Powerful, Than an AM Radio!!! This Custom Uniden BearCat 980 SSB Radio, has been Completely Serviced by Our Radio Technician.

is it a high power radio, NO, (10-12w am) (15-17w ssb)
is it a great talking radio with the mod turned up some, YES

i have no complaints about mine, great radio for what it is,, dead solid on ssb and i use mine every day on my lunch break in the suv and dont have any problems making contacts. more channels would be great. but oh well

if the new superstar JA (pres jackson) radio is as solid on ssb ill be replacing the 980 with the jackson clone
I should hope that it's 3x more powerful than an AM radio.... let's see, SSB puts out 12W stock, and 4W AM. 4 x 3 = 12.... Yep! 3x more powerful!

Gotta love their advertising. :LOL: (y)

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To paraphrase Clara Peller.

"Where's the beep?"

Nowhere in the description does it mention the fact that the 980 SSB has a beep that is 50 to 100 times more powerful then in other radios. A beep that goes off every time that you touch the radio and can't be silenced without breaking a part on the inside of it.
Unidens Newest Model Radio, is The Uniden Bearcat 980 SSB, 40 channel, AM/LSB/USB, Mode C.B Radio. This New Uniden 980 Single SideBand Radio, is a Loud Talking Powerful Radio. This Custom BearCat 980 Radio, is The Newest Digital Radio On The Market Today. This Radio is a Real Talker, with Full Audio OutPut, and With The SideBand Frequencies, It's Three Times More Powerful, Than an AM Radio!!! This Custom Uniden BearCat 980 SSB Radio, has been Completely Serviced by Our Radio Technician.

Am audio is nothing to brag about from the two I heard. RX and SSB could be good but I don't know.
I should hope that it's 3x more powerful than an AM radio.... let's see, SSB puts out 12W stock, and 4W AM. 4 x 3 = 12.... Yep! 3x more powerful!

Gotta love their advertising. :LOL: (y)


Great minds think alike because I did this exact figuring as I was reading it so he absolutely told the truth LMAO!!

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