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Galaxy DX-2547 Mosfet mod


Active Member
Nov 6, 2012
Today I did the ERF-2030 mosfet mod I found on cbtricks and followed it to the tee. When I hooked the radio back up I was getting the same power output as I did with the stock 1969 transistor. Is there anything else I can do to get the mosfet to put out more power? As of now that was a waste of time.

I would be happy if I got a 10-15 watt gain but I got no gain at all. I also noticed on ssb now that the meter light dims when I key up. I am going to put it back to factory with the 1969 final.
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If you can't 'double' your power real easy then it probably ain't worth screwin' with.


If your 2547 was working before then why did you try to "fix it" ????
Sorry but just keeping it real. A mosfet mod is not some MAGIC SUPER POWER mod. Mosfet's exist because the older finals have been discontinued. When you blow a final you either pay 25 bucks for a 1969 or do a mosfet mod.

You would be money ahead and just get a small amplifier if you need MOPOWA.

The other issue I see is would be this. Since you have a base radio they set up the power supply to handle the output of the radio even after a tune. Once you try to turn an 18 watt radio into a 35 watt radio the power supply can't keep up and POOPS OUT. Now ya gotta spend MOMONEY to get it fixed and up-graded. It's just not worth it all.

Dammmmm I wish people would just think things through a little already.

If your 2547 was working before then why did you try to "fix it" ????
Sorry but just keeping it real. A mosfet mod is not some MAGIC SUPER POWER mod. Mosfet's exist because the older finals have been discontinued. When you blow a final you either pay 25 bucks for a 1969 or do a mosfet mod.

You would be money ahead and just get a small amplifier if you need MOPOWA.

Yeah, what he said.
Today I did the ERF-2030 mosfet mod I found on cbtricks and followed it to the tee. When I hooked the radio back up I was getting the same power output as I did with the stock 1969 transistor. Is there anything else I can do to get the mosfet to put out more power? As of now that was a waste of time.

Since that mod is a REPLACEMENT mod and not a HIGH POWER MOD your results are what can be expected. Good job, you did the mod correctly.
Since that mod is a REPLACEMENT mod and not a HIGH POWER MOD your results are what can be expected. Good job, you did the mod correctly.

He could always send the radio to radioactive radios for a rebuilding of the transmit and receiver. :rolleyes:
Also, keep in mind that the power supplies in the 2547's don't take the higher current draw of the mosfets real well. I had a friend that had me go thru his 2547 (had mosfets in it already) that had a serious warble issue on SSB... had to turn the output down to about 18-20W on SSB. Did about 30W before I turned things down. Now it sounds great! (y)

The 2547 radios suffer the same fate as the Ranger 2995DX radios... Can't turn them up too much, as the power supply can't handle the extra output.

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Well I put everything back as it was. Im swinging about 25 watts from a 2 w dead key. Do you think the schosky diode mod for the receive is worth the trouble?
The hot carrier modification is a hit and miss. It seems to work in some and not in others. Are you planning to do the first rx amp transistor mod with it too? If so make sure you do a HFE test on the 2sc2999 before you install it as I have seen some of those with a lower gain than the origional.

Good luck

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