okay thats what i thought too if i push the coils back together i don't have a spectrum analyzer to really see the improvement on that band but that wouldn't hurt better than leaving it like that i would sayLooks like a coil spreading, meter beating tweaknician was in it to me.
right yeah i hate when people do that to radios meters just show voltage it don't know the frequency of the voltage im fine with it showing what its really doing on the frequency im talking on not up in the ham bands splattering away it also has low receive the needle barely moves unless someone is right on top of the radio so i'm thanking the first rf amp transistor is bad and might as well do the 2nd also and i'm thinking about getting it recapped aligned and set up the right wayIt probably came from the factory pushed together in a tight, uniform coil. Returning it to original condition will show less watts, but those watts you're "losing" by returning it to stock, aren't on 27 MHz, they're a harmonic, whose frequency the meter can't discriminate, just adds.