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Hello all! Noob here with questions!


New Member
Mar 15, 2014
Hi everyone. I've been considering FINALLY getting my ham license and would like to know where o start. Years ago I came close. Had the Technician book and was even passing the practice tests in the back. But for whatever reason it never materialized. So I would like to try again. I tried contacting the local club here in the 08210 area but have either been blown off or they are just really slow. I'd like to know of a good book to study for passing the test. I'm interested in mobile/handheld gear. Thanks everyone glad to be here.

Eham.com has practice tests that are all taken from the test question pool. Great study guide. Darn shame you have a club bustin at the seams with more hams than they can get in?? :( our local club would chase you down we are always looking for new guys. What is you city or town? Someone on this site can most likely help you.....ask....the forums here are a great place to ask questions and get answers.
Test sites and dates are on the net. ARRL

Get the ticket! It is something I waited for years to do and should have finished it many many years ago. Study the tech, take tests until you pass all and then study the general until you pass them....take both tests at once it is not hard....just requires some study time. Well worth the time spent. Good Luck
No not good luck....study the material and pass those tests:D 73
I NEED a book. I don't know about doing two test at once. There are other clubs I can email.
I would agree that both Gordon West book (by the way Gordo is a genuine friendly guy that will talk your leg of if given half a chance) I see every year in Dayton and he is likely to speak first and remember your name. I also used hamtestonline.com either one will get you going toward that license. Check and see if local ham group are doing any licensing study group, if not find others that want to become a ham and form your own.
I heartily agree with those above in recommending Gordon West's license study books. I used them to study for and pass all three elements. They're designed to help you PASS the test. Later you can pick up books that go into more detail about why things are the way they are. Gordo's books teach you the answers to the questions.

This was my study plan: I'd go through each section as many times as it took to start getting most of the answers right. Then I'd move on to the next section and do the same thing. After I had completed the book I started taking on-line practice exams at AA9PW.com. I took lots of practice exams until I felt totally confident I would pass the real exam.

I checked and all of Gordon West's books are available on Amazon.

Good luck. Study hard and you won't have to worry at all about passing.


Mark K7OWG
All I can say is please study the info and not just memorize the answers to the questions. A trained monkey can match things up. If you actually LEARN the info then you will have that for life and be able to use it to expand your knowledge as you upgrade. Learning something is never a waste of time however having a ticket and knowing nothing about the basics such as how long a 20m dipole is or what frequencies you are permitted to operate on and asking on a forum even after you have passed the extra exam is a waste of your time and other's. You can probably tell I am old school in this regard and actually had to write descriptions of functional diagrams and draw functional diagrams as well as answer 50 multiple choice questions when I got my ticket all without a published question pool. Back then we actually had to learn something.
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Well said Captain. I want to read the info as well. Thats why i want an actual study boom that also has the questions in it. Im gonna take a ride to a book store like BAM and see what they got.

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Gordon West has good study material to pass the test but you may want more. I tend to point people who want a study guide for Technician to the ARRL License Manuals because it contains more information that just passing the test. It is a good reference guide to have handy when you are setting up your first station and you’re getting on the air for the first time. You can always find practice exams online and I recommend using those too.

Once you become a ham you will start collecting many more books for your personal library but it always starts with the first one. For me it was a gray covered book published by Ameco which is no longer in print that I bought almost 40 years ago. If you run across something you don’t understand there seems to be a lot of good people on this board that can probably help.
Ham Exams

As others have stated you can take the test online at Eham. That's what I did for the Technician test. I also have an ipad and downloaded an app for both the Tech and General test. Read the questions and take the test over and over till you pass with more than 90% correct.

Other's in my club.... used flash cards to pass the extra. Why I'm not sure....all they use is a 2 meter radio.

I''ve bought the Gordon West Extra exam study guide....but haven't had the drive to study and take the extra test. Good Luck.


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  • @ BJ radionut:
    those boys in Louisiana going to be hard to live with...working those HI stations...my buddy Greg KK5SW/4 elements @35ft/350 watts...2 HI contacts today!!!! Arnold KE5JXC snagged one also!!!
  • @ Mark Malcomb:
    Hello BJ. Been a long time since I've been on. You doing well? Mark Malcomb
  • @ Naysayer: