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How about a "DX-DAY" for forum members

Yesterdaay was a washout (literally) as we had thunderstorms off and on most of the day .
American Eagle 575, heard you on 38 lower today. I tried calling you several times, but if you came back I couldn't hear you for all of the inconsiderate stations from Florida piling on and calling CQ for me.

- 399
Sorry that I didn't hear you,at least I know my Ranger is making the Trip ,bummer it would have been nice to make contact with a fellow WWDX member,well maybe next time when conditions permits my Friend, have a good week ahead........

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It looks like our 1st try at a "Dx Day" wasn't a huge success. I think we should try again, but with a little more planning. Like what day, and freq. Using 38LSB is a waste of time, because of the dodos, inconsiderates, and children who act out and ruin everything for the rest of us. Best to start on a chosen freq, Then we can QSY to a predetermined other freq if it gets crowded with non-members. Let's agree on a date and time, and decide what freq to use. Maybe we can establish a "Forum Freq" that we can use to meet and talk.

Finally having an extended QSO with Shadetree Mechanic (808 Delaware) was a total blast for me after trading posts with him for so long on the forum. I feel like I know so many of you guys, and I want to have some face-to-face conversation. Let's work this out.

- 399 J.J.
Sounds great to me, and I like the idea of using 35 LSB to call and QSY up to 40 USB. And yes, making it the forum frequency, choose one and stick with it, whether it's 37 36 35, etc.

Or we could all just meet on 40 USB and bypass a call frequency.
My 2 centavos...
I agree with Brother Dxer and I feel we as a group should take a vote on this ,maybe put a poll question about it?????

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I 2nd this, however a question?? Would the 40 USB replace the currently used 16 LSB that is in use,or would we as a group still use both?? Just Curious............

I wouldn't think so. I think there's room for both. There seems to be some out there who like running dx on their 23 channel and 16 is great for this. I wish these guys would chime in on this post! Or on the 16 LSB thread.
Sometimes I'll keep one radio on 16 LSB and listen, while also listening on another radio to a higher LSB frequency.
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I wouldn't think so. I think there's room for both. There seems to be some out there who like running dx on their 23 channel and 16 is great for this. I wish these guys would chime in on this post! Or on the 16 LSB thread.
Sometimes I'll keep one radio on 16 LSB and listen, while also listening on another radio to a higher LSB frequency.
Makes Sense.......


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