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How To Reset CPU On RCI 2950 dx3


Active Member
Mar 19, 2006
How can you reset the CPU on a 2950 dx3 or is there anyway to do it.......Lost power due to a car hitting a pole knocking out power had radio on when it happen before it happen switched power supply off when power went out went from 24.0000 to 32.0000 now goes from 24.890 to 29.6999 not that it makes any difference all I can talk on is 10 11 and 12 meter but it was weird and now it has a slight delay when you unkey the mic.
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How can you reset the CPU on a 2950 dx3 or is there anyway to do it.......Lost power due to a car hitting a pole knocking out power had radio on when it happen before it happen switched power supply off when power went out went from 24.0000 to 32.0000 now goes from 24.890 to 29.6999 not that it makes any difference all I can talk on is 10 11 and 12 meter but it was weird and now it has a slight delay when you unkey the mic.

  • Turn the unit around so that the rear panel faces the front. Locate the 13.8V DC power cable. The connection has two wires, black and red that feed into a central plug. The plugs sit on the right side of the panel, near the bottom.

  • Disconnect the cable. Leave it unplugged from the unit for five minutes.

  • Push the plug back into the socket connection.

  • Rotate the radio so the front panel in facing forward. Locate the On/Off power button on the upper right side. The power button is the second knob on the top level. Turn the unit on. You will need to reset all programming and channels.
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Never worked on a III series of these radios. But the older designs had a coin battery that one would need to be momentarily removed to clear the volatile memory. I suspect that they might use a supercap instead of a battery to accomplish the same end in the new radio, since they never need replacement.


to reset the cpu. you dont need to remove the chip or battery just unplug the unit for 5 minutes. and fire it back up. you will be golden. the new rci radio does not use a battery. it charges up a capacitor when you unplug it drains the cap..
I don't think it works that way,,, I had a 2950 dx3 and would leave it un-powered for days at a time and it never lost its memory/settings
if you leave the power on switch to on it will drain the cap. with the radio turned off and the power unplugged it will last a long time.
the e chip when powered up expands cpu capacity. when the echip is uninstalled and powered up will reset back to factory specs. then reinstall the echip once again to full expansion, (that's the best way to reset cpu on the DX)
Left it unplugged and unpowered for about 20 minutes with the off on switch in the on position got busy with another project powered the unit up went like it did 24.0000 to 32.0000....Now can anyone answer whats up with the ranger site

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