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Its getting harder to sell radios on EBay anymore with the ham tards

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I tried to sell a little "broken parts only amp" twice never mentioned the word CB or anything and got kicked off with a 30 day selling restriction and some bad ebay induced type of feed back for sellers dash board. If this is really coming from Ham operator's most often then I want absolutely nothing to do with them let alone talk with snitches and these are the bottom of the barrel snitches because they aren't even getting out of something or coming up on anything! Now I am sure not every Ham operator is a low life snitch but the taken off ebay rate is incredible I'll bet the odds when talking to at least two people three total at least one of them has to be a snitch!
Please do not start lumping all hams into the same Herd.
There are a lot of hams right here on this forum that help guys with there Cb set up everyday, Just because there are a few Kilohurts Kops prowling E-Bay is not a good reason to Bash other radio op`s.
There are just as many rotten apples in both barrels.
These Types of threads do not last long around here anyway.

There are two ways to get a listing pulled.

1. eBay constable reports you.

2. eBay's listing software catches you.

For you to receive a 30 day listing ban means you violated their policy more than once or twice.

Once you list a forbidden item, their software flags your account to automatically cull your future listing's that contain identical or similar wording in your posts title.

So, many users blame an eBay cop when they get an item pulled, when in fact, they "pulled" their own listing themselves by not carefully wording a repost.

Of course, there are some asshats that will subscribe to your profile and watch your future posts as well, but the posting software gets most people anyhow.

They own the sandbox.
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I am surprised Ebay is still doing this selective listing removal because of the money they lose due to this policy.
Scumbags auction brutal animal leg traps on Ebay but linear amps are removed???? Ebay has no moral compass, never did, never will.
Use Ebay at your own risk. Certainly not all Hams are "Tards", all it takes is one disgruntled Ham to get an auction pulled......JUST ONE!
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If i could like this 1000 times over i would[/QUOTE]

I'm such a freaking smart ass as my friends all tell me as they crack up!!!!! :D:laugh::tongue:
I am surprised Ebay is still doing this selective listing removal because of the money they lose due to this policy.
Scumbags auction brutal animal leg traps on Ebay but linear amps are removed???? Ebay has no moral compass, never did, never will.
Use Ebay at your own risk. Certainly not all Hams are "Tards", all it takes is one disgruntled Ham to get an auction pulled......JUST ONE!

Hell ive seen pipes, bongs, and "other stuff" openly sold but cetain CB stuff gets pulled?????? *Don`t do it*
Ebay sucks anyway they like to hold your money even after your product is delivered.Giving people enough time to hack away and then claim it broken.
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CBRADIOMAGAZINE.COM Very good educated legal answer! I have been on the phone with the same facts to ebay and talked with supervisors nothing works with these people. It is incredible the time and effort these Ham operator's must spend "This is the first time I was told here that this comes from Ham operator's" to achieve their success rate. Statistically to achieve this rate of removal it is a lot of Ham operator's who spend a lot of time! I bought a amp a while back already paid for it and he was removed the listing was removed I had no trace of ever contacting him luckily I still had a Pay Pal receipt and the US seller who the Ham's go after exclusively was a good guy and already sent it out with a roger beep gift for my worries.
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I wouldn't count them out completely either but this whole idea of getting US sellers off ebay is crazy. With skip in there from all over and where I live it"s mostly Mexico and South America with their roger beeps and noise toys and no regulations AM on SSB channels, channel 9 etc bombarding the US constantly but yet this is where they put there efforts
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