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Kenwood TH-D72 failures


Ham Radio Nerd
Apr 14, 2002
I've seen quite a few reports of the Kenwood TH-D72 having problems where the transmit output power drops to either a very low level or nothing at all. I haven't come across any cause for the failures yet, so I'm unsure if there is a permanent fix yet.

The part failing is the driver FET Q214 and the part number is B51-8944-00.

Mine has not failed, but I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem or has any other information?

Kenwood TH-D72 No audio

Dear Moleculo,

Greetings from Costa Rica.

Thanks for your review on Kenwood TH-D72

I now own one. The audio went out. I resest it fully and there is still no audio. I begin to think the speaker is broke.

Is that possible???

Everything works and if I connect an external mic/speaker, I can hear everything.



I've seen quite a few reports of the Kenwood TH-D72 having problems where the transmit output power drops to either a very low level or nothing at all. I haven't come across any cause for the failures yet, so I'm unsure if there is a permanent fix yet.

The part failing is the driver FET Q214 and the part number is B51-8944-00.

Mine has not failed, but I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem or has any other information?
Yes, it's true along with failure of the built-in speaker. In less than 1 week my RX audio quit. I called tech support and he asked if I had a remote speaker/mike. When my remote speaker/mike arrived I tried it and good RX audio. However 2 weeks later max TX power U & V was 100mw as measured on a good service monitor. Off to Kenwood for service ad repair.

Problem solved!!!

Dear Friends,

This past Monday the speaker for my Kenwood finally arrived here in Costa Rica. Opened up, took away the oldone and set up the new one. Listo!!!!, it is working now. I got the new speaker from PACPARTS.COM Part Number T07-0266-25. I hope this helps!!

Dear Moleculo,

Greetings from Costa Rica.

Thanks for your review on Kenwood TH-D72

I now own one. The audio went out. I resest it fully and there is still no audio. I begin to think the speaker is broke.

Is that possible???

Everything works and if I connect an external mic/speaker, I can hear everything.


Whats up with all the new radios acting up.Never heard of that till the last few years.I have a ts520 i got years ago no problem,i have a frend that got a new ft100d,no problems.I ordered a new rci2950,i had to send it back the same day,40 wt carrier on ssb.A frend got a new ic7000 it didnt even light up.Radios use to last for years,i have a Siltronix1011d i got new i think in 1982,same tubes works like it did when i got it.73s de JW
I've seen quite a few reports of the Kenwood TH-D72 having problems where the transmit output power drops to either a very low level or nothing at all. I haven't come across any cause for the failures yet, so I'm unsure if there is a permanent fix yet.

The part failing is the driver FET Q214 and the part number is B51-8944-00.

Mine has not failed, but I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem or has any other information?

I've go t a D72 with max tx output of 500mW....I can't figure out what is the problem.Can you better detail where this Q214 is located....without a service manual is hard

I've go t a D72 with max tx output of 500mW....I can't figure out what is the problem.Can you better detail where this Q214 is located....without a service manual is hard


Mine developed this error as well. But only on VHF. That is why it took me so long to notice. All FM communications were over UHF, only APRS on VHF. But it was weird that only two packets from the top of the hill were picked up by gateways :D

Put it in for a repair, will post follow up when I get it back.
My TH-D72 has only 500mW output on UHF and VHF. My question is, if it is a Q214 or Q215 failure? How can I find this out without replacing both of them? Q214 seems to be easier to replace, less ground connection to desolder.

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