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  • OK Got it... you used the IRF 9530. My bad. How did it go? I sell a bunch of the KL203. It is a good little amp for 80-100w out. Seems to handle 20w drive with no issues. I just keep RM3's and spare boards on hand.
    Output is little less than original, but you can't go wrong with 1$ transistor :)
    Did you really replace the little RM3 Mosfets in a KL203 with the larger EKL 9530 mosfet?
    Any pictures? Surprised you found enough room. Be an interesting amplifier! Did you need to change any other components?
    Hello, I found this information in a post for the Stryker 447 hpc2, it looks like you were initially sent the wrong schematic, is the information for the 497hpc? Thats what I need it for, thank you in advance for your help.

    C189 is a spot to place diode/resistor combo.
    R249 AM limiter
    VR14 am mod pot

    Change R241 to 15 Ohm.
    Thank you very much for your advice on my galaxy ,the biasing diode was bad and the driver on one radio.Thanks again.Jef
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