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maco v58 question

midnight special

Sr. Member
Mar 13, 2012
i hope someone can help here,,, i need the measurement for the part BA1P,, how long is it? i am trying to restore a maco v58 thanks 73s midnight special

i dont need the length of the whole antenna just the part BA1P...the base part,,

i hope someone can help here,,, i need the measurement for the part BA1P,, how long is it? i am trying to restore a maco v58 thanks 73s midnight special

i dont need the length of the whole antenna just the part BA1P...the base part,,

MS, I have my copy of the Maco manual marked for the BA1P "No dimensions," and the same is noted in the parts list.

You might try search and find some threads on the subject. You might even find where guys are making claims about their M5/8, but when I've asked some to give me the dimensions for this part...I have never heard back or I would have made a note in my manual as to what I was told.

I wanted to model this antenna, but I too was wanting the same dimensions, of course I was asking for all the dimensions, and this makes me wonder.

Good luck.
The base is 57 1/2 inches top to bottom overall....the base tube us 12 inches
Good luck

Thanks for the info ghutch.

I wanted to do a better model of the V58, but I think I would need the physical antenna here...like I've done with other vertical CB antennas that I feel that I've successfully modeled.

My experiences in modeling tells me that accurate dimensions make a notable difference in the results for models. If you think about it...the process for taking off dimensions for modeling applications is very similar to being accurate when assembling a new antenna kit, better build means better results.

Ghutch, some time back and upon my request for all dimensions for base assembly part BA1P...someone posted these 3 dimensions for the part. This is what he gave me for BA1P, with no diameters included. I asked him at the time for the diameters, but he never replied that I know of.

54" @ 27 mhz
57" @ 26 mhz
15" bottom tube

Ghutch, this is just a note to you showing how folks differ in what they see and report. Bless the guy's heart, he also posted some other little detailed dimensions that I could not easily determine from the manual. After using these dimensions however...I was never satisfied with the results I got with the model, weather I included the physical matcher or not.

With no physical matcher added, the match of this rather short 5/8 wave antenna was off compared to my other 5/8 models without matcher. The resistive part of the match was about 135 ohm's and the reactive part was expectedly high too showing about 9.00:1 SWR as one might expect.

With the matcher, the resistive part was about 46 ohms, but the reactive part was still high, and I didn't expect that. So, I don't have confidence in the dimensions I used and the results I was seeing. So, I want to redo the model if I can get some better dimensions.

Thanks again,

MS, keep us posted on your progress and results too, OK?
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I have a Maco v5000 that might come down sometime over this next year for some work, if it does I'll happily give you the dimensions for that version of the antenna.

The DB
the dimensions that ghutch gave me was what i needed, the insulator on mine let go and the inner part slid down all the way to the l bracket bolt,, i just needed to know how long it was so i could figure where to goop it back up... thanks guys 73s midnight special
My V58 is stuffed into the rafters. Really, this is all not done and known by now? Mine seemed to work pretty well.
I have a Maco v5000 that might come down sometime over this next year for some work, if it does I'll happily give you the dimensions for that version of the antenna.

The DB

DB, a generous offer my friend, and thanks.

Please remember though, I want dimensions for modeling. I trust that you know what that means...details on details.

I may be wrong about the effects these details have on models, and maybe all the little details don't really matter nearly as much as I imagine, but right now I see it different.

Doing a take-off for these length and diameter dimensions for the radiator and radial elements will not be necessary, I already have them. They are easily available from the manual.

However, there are several other little parts, lengths, spaces, and dimensions to consider...if one plans to do this particular model right...me thinks.

I'll post my model with and without the matcher. I'll include the "wires view," for you to consider for the dimensions I've already used, and that may help you see the wires I think are important to the model and maybe you will see some errors that I made earlier.

I hope you understand Eznec and have a version better than the demo version, but it you don't then I'll add some notes on the antenna view.

Hopefully this task will also indicate to you buds what I'm seeing that is causing me to question the dimensions and results I've already used.

Here is tuning tips from and old WWDX member that might be helpful for somebody to try if you have difficulty with this one. I think I've posted this before.

Master Chief's tuning tips for the V58.jpg
My V58 is stuffed into the rafters. Really, this is all not done and known by now? Mine seemed to work pretty well.

C2, I get that your V58 is up in the rafters and that it worked pretty well, but I'm just curious as to what the question really means?
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Because the V58 is what it is in its place in history. Maybe the I2K will be better known, but for what? Lack of competitive analysis?

Reading that fanatics on this topic have not yet found all the dimensions, completed all the analysis, many times over on every radio forum by now, it's just surprising.

My landlord did not like the couple hundred feet of wire running from the eve to some midpoint up a couple hundred foot redwood tree across the lot, so I figure there is no chance for anything reasonable. Hence I left my base section intact, just removed the radials and stuffed it out of the way.
the dimensions that ghutch gave me was what i needed, the insulator on mine let go and the inner part slid down all the way to the l bracket bolt,, i just needed to know how long it was so i could figure where to goop it back up... thanks guys 73s midnight special

MS, can you describe a little about this insulator, that supports the radiator, is setup inside of the 12" base tube element.

I am curious how this insulator is supported in the base and what keeps it in place. In the manual the insulator looks like it simply has a supporting lip that sets on the top 12" base tube. The top of the insulator looks to be larger than the tube and that stops/fixes it in place. Is it glued inside the tube?

Is it easily removed? If so, maybe you could give me some close up pictures of the insulator as well as the whole base?

I don't need the information for my modeling, but I would be interested to see what is going on there if you can, and to see how and where your's failed.

I think I've seen a couple of these V58 fail under high SWR or high power...with a bolt in the bottom area of the base. It looked in the pictures as though a bolt thru the base was shorted out around and near the middle of the 12" tube. In this case the base was not taken apart however.

edit; MS, was I too late with my request? I see you have it fixed already. Keep us posted on your work.
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ok got it fixed and back in the air,, 1,3 on 1 1.5 on 40 i am happy better than the infinite reading i was getting,,,, thanks 73s midnight special

I agree this looks good to go, but just for grins can you check the swr far enough below channel 1, to see a better swr...maybe even a 1.1:1?

Did you use Maco's recommendation at 27.205 to tune?

I would like to test if what Master Chief said in his link that I posted earlier... was close to accurate. He made the claim that Maco's dimensions prove to be a bit long, and that maybe what you are seeing here.

Good work.
it looks like nylon/plastic of some kind,,, the long upper piece had come unglued or what ever was holding it in and slid down to the bolt holding the L bracket on.. i just needed the length so as to bring it back up and use a piece of pvc tubing that luckily fit just right to hold top piece at right length using L bracket screw to hold in place plus a new coat of goop to hold it together,,, works fine now i just needed a repair thats all....

2 swr at 26.3 2 swr at 27.8 taken with mfj259

73s midnight special

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