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Microphone A/B Switch


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2011
Hi all:

Has anyone ever seen or built an A/B switch for two mics? It's a real drag switching between the D-104 and Super Sidekick when going from AM to SSB.

Must it even have a switch? Can I build a simply 'Y' adaptor from two mic jacks (input) and one plug (output)? As long as both mics aren't keyed at the same time everything should be fine, yes?

Yeah I'm new to home brew and this seems like a simple place to start.

Advice, ideas or links please!



Yes, you can use a simple "Y" adaptor to couple the 2 mikes to the radio, as long as the radio you're using (like your 135) has "relay" switching. This won't work on a radio that has electronic switching.

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Then again; why do you need two mics hooked up?
Surely, there is a radio operator that you talk to on a regular basis that can tell you which mic sounds better. Of course, that may depend if you are using the on SSB or AM. But then again, I never had a D104 or a Turner sound bad on either AM or SSB. Either mic sounds great on either mode to me - IMO . . .
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Yes, you can use a simple "Y" adaptor to couple the 2 mikes to the radio, as long as the radio you're using (like your 135) has "relay" switching. This won't work on a radio that has electronic switching.

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It also may not work well with the two audio leads connected together. The output of one audio amp feeding into the output circuit of the other mike's audio amp is not a good idea. There is no isolation and the frequency response will surely suffer.It can be done using resistors to isolate the two microphones but you will loose signal level however you may have enough gain to compensate for that.You must also consider the output impedance of the two microphones being connected together.I wouldn't recommend simply connecting the two with a Y adapter.
Thanks all!

@Robb: On-air reports indicate that the audio is better on AM with the D-104 and better on SSB with the Turner, that's why I switch between them.

@ Stringbean: That is almost exactly what I am looking for but yeah, it's a bit pricey.

@Captain Kilowatt: I had wondered about the audio leads being tied together and possibly feeding back through the unused mic.

I'll try making the Y adapter first... what's the worst that could happen? (Famous Last Words!)

Thanks again!
If Redman is building his box correctly you can also use it in reverse and use 1 Mic on multiple radios to keep the bench clear of multiple Mics. :D
I believe the the amplifier output in both of the mikes he is using is disconnected by the keyup switch when they're in receive mode. :unsure:

Perhaps it is but that would have to be confirmed first. I have seen the D-104 wired for VOX operation and powered from the radio itself so it may have had the audio lead rewired as well as the power lead.

Thanks all!

@Captain Kilowatt: I had wondered about the audio leads being tied together and possibly feeding back through the unused mic.

The audio won't feedback through the unused mic and be heard as the amplifier in the mic will not pass the audio in the opposite direction but it could lead to unwanted audio quality if the two mics are not isolated in some manner.Poor frequency is the most often result.
Ok yall know im a noob so i am saying this as a noob.

With a "Y" connector and a power mic is it not possible to transfer energy into the mic thats not being used?

Would it be like really bad SWR? Signals being reflected that we dont want to.

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