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Might be able to buy 4 of these

Mr Clean

Active Member
May 21, 2005
Smart solution

Not the same brand but these are the same type and size. Transformers in them are about 2 ft long! What are they worth and could they be modified to drive a tube. Going to ask about buying them but not sure what they are worth. It has 8 large caps also that say 250 volt max. Any ideas?

They are not High Voltage Transformers like you would see in an amplifier. Those transformers run anywhere from 1k-8k Volt and up. These are merely giant regulators to further smooth out voltage ripple on std house or industrial voltage 110,220, 480 etc. Or to act as a step up down transformer, depending on their application and installation.

These would not be beneficial to you as a power supply for an amplifier.
Thanks for the info. I looked closer and there are three transformers in each one. I wasnt sure if they would be what a guy wanted or not..
They are not High Voltage Transformers like you would see in an amplifier. Those transformers run anywhere from 1k-8k Volt and up. These are merely giant regulators to further smooth out voltage ripple on std house or industrial voltage 110,220, 480 etc. Or to act as a step up down transformer, depending on their application and installation.

These would not be beneficial to you as a power supply for an amplifier.

Yeah but!

Look at those cases, that would make one hell of a Amplifier enclosure.

He could strip them out and, sell the distribution transformers and un-needed stuff on Ebay. With what a smart man could garner from those units, he could afford to buy any B+ supply X-former he wanted,

At least, I could!

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These cases are older but real nice looking and almost look like a am transmiter with reinforced corners and all. I will see about a price and will get back with ya. If I can get um for a good price maybe we both could come out ok paws. With alittle help. The ones I can get have alot more switches and 4 or 5 meters in the front. I have a big trailer and aplace to store them.

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