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New Antenna Project


Active Member
Jan 22, 2007
I'm thinking of re-doing the antenna farm; moving my Imax from the chimney mount to tower #1 replacing my 2 element quad. The 4 element flatsider on tower #2 will be replaced with something large with switchable polarity, something like a 6 or 8 element long boom design. My question for the antenna guys here: has anyone tried adding directors to a PDL2? I've got a ton of parts here: PDL pcs., 'Raker pcs., Wilson/Maco pcs., as well as all the tubing I'd need. I have enough large diameter boom to go to about 48 feet, if I choose to. I can go quad, yagi, or hybrid. I'm thinking of adding onto the PDL design. Any input?

Multi-element quads are certainly possible, so you can certainly do that. How many elements and how long of a boom is sort of up to you. I kinda think you'll quit long before that 48 feet, though. :) Keeping the thing 'level', and turning it would tend to get sorta 'much', I think.
Have fun.
- 'Doc
Wow, 92 views and only one reply? I was hoping somebody over here had tried modding a PDL before. Where's MC when you need him? :D

Doc- I wasn't thinking of making something on a 48 ft. boom, it's just what I have available. I'm sure something around 30 ft. or so will suffice.
To tell you the truth, I really didn't think that 48' was too practical :). I really did know someone who had a 6 element quad on 20 meters, and you would have to have seen that thing! It was home made, and he made a rotor to turn it, couldn't find one large enough otherwise. I think I've seen suspension bridges with fewer support cables than that thing. Oh but could he hear stuff! My yard isn't large enough long ways to hold that quad, and both neighbors would have to like me much more than they do if I wanted to turn it. Oh well, I didn't want it anyway....
- 'Doc

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